Petyr Baelish, The Pimp Who Was Promised

Fortunately or unfortunately, this is not true for a large proportion of AirBnB rentals. If you are renting out your entire apartment or house, you are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act. If you are going to reside there and rent out parts of it, you can discriminate however you want, and it’s completely legal.

Wouldn’t a lame Psyduck been more apropos?

Women in Arizona have had the right to vote since 1912. She might be older than the national women’s vote, but she isn’t older than HER right to vote. So Mashable wrote something that wasn’t true and you guys shared it.

People in these countries have diverse looks. Many of them look identical to Western Europeans. Because of the Islamic prohibition against portraits there’s no way to know exactly what Rumi looked like, but the contemporary population where he’s from could easily be depicted by Leo. There are plenty of cases of

So interracial marriage represents some kind of failure? Ridiculous.

I can’t help but think that the response by Reddit’s users was predictable. It’s basically 4chan with usernames. A smart lady like her should probably have predicted it. Of course, she also married a Madoff-tier scammer so maybe her judgment is not very good.

It’s possible they’re removing him because of racism. I don’t think that’s the case though. It’s also possible they want to preserve the character for a Miles Morales Spider-Man movie. An Asian supporting character would be pretty beneficial for the overseas market, so I’m guessing it’s the latter reason.

I’m not only talking about skin color. I think there’s a kind of racism underlying the idea that people from these countries look so different.

Except he’s not playing Ganke Lee, he’s playing a character who’s similar to Ganke Lee. This isn’t the Miles Morales Spider-Man so it makes sense that they wouldn’t include him either.

How is Spider-Man whitewashed? Also, many Persians are physically indistinguishable from Europeans. There’s really nothing wrong with these casting suggestions. We’re not talking about a white Malcolm X.