
it does though. i really tried to like it /cry

The first indication that transmedia was an issue was how the villain was introduced in 4. There was no indication within the game who was in that orb, why he instantly attack Chief, what his motives were, or how/why he ad the abilities he did. It had to be pieced together through transmedia baloney, including a comic

Her dismissal of BSI as having a trash story where the oppressed are just as bad as the oppressors... just made me facepalm.

Problem is I don’t think she contributed much to the discussion about women in games. Many things she stated have either been called out as simply incorrect or exaggerated to an extreme and instead of answering these criticisms she calls abuse and/or blocks the person.

So, her analysis of Bioshock Infinite really shows the problem with her videos.

I’m sorry but this newest video is so stupid. Elizabeth in Bioshock infinite? Really?

The thing that always bothered me about these videos is how they latch onto a really good subject that could be discussed with great detail and intelligence, and then starts grasping at straws because it was not researched enough. The best example I know of is one of her old videos (I cant remember which and cant be

It’s funny, while I don’t disagree with her, I always had problems with her examples. They tended to show a surface level understanding of the games she was critiquing.

If the target was to make it look obnoxiously goofy, then he succeeds. Does it mean it is a good style? Certainly it is not for us to decide.

Also, no, it looks like shit nowdays.

Between this and Linkin Park’s EDM/POP/Disney song “Haevy”, the 00's are officially dead to me.

Objectively said: I feel the groove but i cant say its Paramore.

Ah, Paramore. Coming at you with a consistent lack of creativity since the mid 2000's.

And you don’t think black people would be triggered by a character being changed to white? And you can’t use the ignorant defense of “Well black people don’t have enough characters already so it’s ok” defense.

The big issue with “colorbending” is that your taking something that has been naturally accepted as canon and trying to modify it into something that isn’t natural and in the process, it looks weird and awful. 

Overheard at the Kotaku offices:

lol. If you can’t stand behind your ideas, just discount anyone who disagrees with you as a bigot and troll!!!

How to be a useless member of society while patting yourself on the back for bringing about ‘radical change’

It occurs to me that deliberately attempting to provoke LEOs might not be the best of all possible ideas (the “clown cops” suggestion). While responding with force to simple mockery would be an absolutely outrageous abuse of power on the part of any guilty LEO, the fact is that most protests are already emotionally