
Breaking the law is still breaking the law.

The governtment agency reported illegal activity... why is this news

Let’s say you’re in Ireland, and you overstayed your visa.

good? I mean, they’re illegal. They are breaking the law. Honestly I don’t get all this defence of illegal immigrants. There’s plenty of ways to get into the country legitimately. You chose to do it illegally, and should face the consequences when caught.

You people do realize that being here illegally is against the law??

Your childish reasons why it shouldn’t don’t matter, it’s the law and most people should be expected to follow it.

It doesn’t matter how long they were here. If they are here illegally they have already committed a crime in that fact. Peacefully for years you say? Well they should have taken the initiative and went through the process if they wanted it so badly. So ICE is doing the job they were supposed to do.

Why are people wanting the laws obeyed automatically racist!

They didn’t sell anyone out they did their duty to our Country. To pretend otherwise is nonsense.

It’s called being FOR law and order. These fine people want to keep our country safe and secure. Now they have a boss who is letting them do their jobs!

Good for Vermont DMV. Licenses are for citizens and those allowed to be here LEGALLY!

Ok I am genuinely curious. What other country allows you to get a government identification card that allows you to wheel about when you are not only a foreigner, but are illegally there?

Driver’s privilege card? WTF IS THAT! You’re an illegal resident, but that’s OK. Go ahead and drive. I’m sure you have a thorough understanding of all our traffic laws. Here’s some BS privilege insurance you can buy as well. Get hit by one of these w*tback f*cks and see if your vehicle gets repaired.

This is me, every time an EVE article gets posted.

I would just point out even to diehard Sony fans - monopolies are terrible for consumers. If Xbox ceases to be an effective competitor to Playstation, and the Switch remains in its own real niche, there’s no market incentive for Sony to make a better product. The last thing you should want as a Playstation owner is

Yeah this article comes off as a back-handed compliment.

Franklin had no overtly negative qualities.

Boring is a good, natural way.

I can give you the “Go fuck yourself” card. But you can make ur own you know.

I hate the concept of embargoes. “Don’t talk about our product until everyone’s bought it, or else we’ll blacklist you.” Is shady af

Looks like the Switch...