For the Toyota, it was Tuesday.
For the Toyota, it was Tuesday.
Do lasers com standard, or are they extra? It’d be great for cutting through traffic.
You’re about to get eaten alive for this comment, but I agree with you. None these white girls can really name a black female artist that isn’t beyonce or Rihanna without the help of google, so they wouldn’t really know.
Because black women haven’t already been speaking about their pain and struggle in every single rnb song ever. But I guess no one cares about them anymore unless they work for Beyoncé.
Meh. As a 50 year old straight white male who primarily listens to rock, I’d rather listen to Adele than Beyonce.
This Beyonce performance is weird AF and I don’t understand it.
The first half of the game had me thinking, “God damn, this is a pretty solid new direction for Final Fantasy.” I’m curmudgeonly “old guard” (I started with the first game, and I’m one of those “edgelords” that doesn’t care for VII very much), but I really loved what was done with the first six chapters or so.
Yeah, funny enough, that’s exactly how I hoped a conversation like that would go and for some reason it seems like Cho decided to twist it around on the podcast for comedic purposes. Maybe there’s more to it than this, but right now Cho looks very bad.
Being white means nothing in this situation. Here was one human being trying to earnestly relate to another human being of a different culture, and then said other person went on to be a two-faced ass about it for no reason.
I REALLY REALLY hate Cho. She is an asian Amy Schumer, execept even MORE unfunny
seriously. she didn’t need to make a statement. she was just like, “here are the fucking emails. have fun.”
Only the incredible bias and prejudice of this post’s author.
OH SHIT! Tilda came with fucking receiptsssssssssss
Agreed. If there was a way to order your party to fall back while magic is being used it would change things (and I don’t mean a Tech limit break to call them back), but in the current state there is no way to prevent your team from being hit so it’s dumb.
That friendly fire item is BS. The magic in this game is terrible and friendly fire should just be removed entirely.
I think the problem is that they (kind of) tried that with the Gamecube, and failed mostly due to lack of 3rd party support. They compounded the issue by releasing a gimmicky console (the Wii), but then that caught on like wildfire for a while, so they thought, “hey, there’s a market for weird, family-friendly gaming…
My problem with Nintendo is every system has a dumb gimmick I don’t care for
Part of my obsessive completionist tendencies is the paralyzing fear that I will be locked out of content, rewards, or quests once I cross over some border/checkpoint/event. In past Final Fantasies, this has been the case.