Here is your annual cuteness reminder that Baby from Dirty Dancing is married to Agent Coulson from Agents of SHIELD!
Here is your annual cuteness reminder that Baby from Dirty Dancing is married to Agent Coulson from Agents of SHIELD!
Sometimes those people are vampires. Or the person being made fun of is a vampire.
IIRC Kissing Jessica Stein is okay if you remove the last few scenes at the end. Like, physically remove those scenes and burn them.
Yeah, Banky always made more sense to me as deeply closeted (bisexual? gay?) and in intense homophobic denial about it. He wanted ~something~ with Holden, but not enough to potentially torpedo their friendship. And then Holden offered Banky ~something~ AND torpedoed their friendship anyway.
God grant me the expansive job opportunities afforded a mediocre white dude.
I adore Jane Austen and read her work for pleasure, but it in no way embodies “something that’s completely out of touch with what I read and hear about on a daily basis” for me. If anything I value Austen more for her deft portrayal of how white patriarchy has been pulling the Same Sexist Shit, Different Day for…
“Not to People Like Us” is a pretty interesting book about “upscale domestic abusers” in Chicago’s North Shore.
Disney’s animated Mulan, Better Luck Tomorrow, The Joy Luck Club, and The Wedding Banquet are all critically acclaimed movies told from Asian/Asian American perspectives with the majority of the movie in English. “Told from the Asian perspective”=the protagonist(s) and/or main POV characters are Asian.
“Arrow” season 1 at least had the decency to court the female gaze audience by showing Stephen Amell shirtless in every episode.
I both agree with you and find your statement an enjoyably deep burn of Finn, because Stephen Amell’s performance as Oliver Queen in “Arrow” season 1 was notoriously wooden! (Partly an acting choice by Amell to show early Oliver’s hella PTSD, partly the reality that Amell has improved as an actor as “Arrow”…
Mighty Whitey Danny Rand was always racist and dumb in the source material, too. THE RACISM WAS COMING FROM *INSIDE THE HOUSE!*
It also doesn’t help the Defenders lineup that with Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Matt “CATHOLIC ANGST” Murdock on board, the cast is heavily weighted toward the bleak/gritty/grimdark end of the characterization spectrum. Bringing energetic dragon-puncher Danny Rand on board would’ve added some personality contrast,…
Anyone who thinks that Danny Rand wouldn’t have worked better as an Asian American is not allowed to talk to me until they’ve read “American Born Chinese” by Gene Luen Yang.
PERMETHRIN IS DEADLY TO CATS. Don’t spray permethrin or leave permethrin-coated objects near where your cat could breathe it in or touch it!
Missha M Perfect Cover BB!
Missha M Perfect Cover BB!
What if you’re a government employee and your salary is literally listed on public websites thanks to Freedom Of Information Act requests?
An electric heated cat bed!
Sears cannot take down Lands End and my beloved 100% cotton tunics with it!!
Avon could make a fucking fortune if they went in the vein of these perfume makers and offered a cheaper, U.S.-based, Skin-So-Soft scented product with actual insect repellant like IR3535: