And blocking was better PR-wise in this case than muting becaaaaauuuuse..…?
And blocking was better PR-wise in this case than muting becaaaaauuuuse..…? has an $18 mini-kit with this bar and a 25% off sale that ends today. Tempted, so tempted.… has an $18 mini-kit with this bar and a 25% off sale that ends today. Tempted, so tempted.…
CeraVe Foaming for life! It’s gentle, easy to find, effective, inexpensive, and pH-balanced! Plus it’s a critical darling with /r/SkincareAddiction AND Paula’s Choice.
CeraVe Foaming for life! It’s gentle, easy to find, effective, inexpensive, and pH-balanced! Plus it’s a critical…
Tubing mascaras for life; all others are inferior.
Tubing mascaras for life; all others are inferior.
I hope to god Bendis doesn’t break up the Jones-Cage family unit just to add drama. I want to see Jessica again in all her amazing pragmatic recovering antisocial heroic defiant glory, with the added layers of being a wife and mother. Like Beyoncé says, “I took some time to live my life / But don’t think I’m just his…
The Secret Wars: Secret Love #1 anthology!…
That page is not actually from “Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat,” but I second the gloriousness of that series, which is sent straight from my dreams to the publisher. More Jones-Cage family in Hellcat, please!
This page is from a oneshot in Secret Wars: Secret Love, so technically it’s an (ADORABLE) alternate universe / possible future that doesn’t really exist (yet). But the Gurihiru art is so cute!
Replied to my own post accidentally, whoops.
Female showrunners at CW have vowed to keep sexual violence out of their series, and I pray they stick to that.
“Buy one Revlon product, get one product free” is a great deal.
“Buy one Revlon product, get one product free” is a great deal.