Jesus! Even more evidence of Russia meddling with our erections.
Jesus! Even more evidence of Russia meddling with our erections.
Look I work for the NRA and you people are just nuts. Sensible gun control could have solved this problem. If Congressman Gaetz was allowed to carry his pistol while Congress is in session he could have silenced these people by shooting two or three times into the ceiling, maybe a warning shot was needed but certainly…
Since I’m doomed to the greys forever, I’m just going to say it.
I am so, so glad that automakers don’t listen to the online enthusiast community. Can you imagine the discussions that would take place in the 1930s?
Logitech makes a nice little shifter you can put in your electric car so you can pretend.
I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said about domestic violence and how we continue to fail to take it seriously enough
Sorry but you are wrong. The left lane is for passing. Not driving. If you are not actively passing, please travel in the center lanes or right lane. If a vehicle is merging you need to move over because, you guess it, your passing the merging vehicle.
Watching most of the media fall completely for a bad faith trolling campaign that began on the most vile sectors of the far-right (literal neo-Nazis and white supremacists) and then spread all over the conservative media ecosystem is horribly depressing.
Here is why I feel bad *in general*:
A news site, owned by a fucking cell-phone service provider, laid off an entire department, despite that parent company receiving billions in tax breaks that were promised to trickle down to employees, and people still defend corporate capitalism.
No, I’m done, I’ve have it. This kid and his friends are being treated like fucking royalty by Republicans and right-wingers, while the Parkland School shooting survivors are still being insulted and mocked by the same people praising these kids. Fuck this shit. Dead kids? Who cares. Survivors? Who cares. Catholic…
in other words, this is the royal wii?
Let me guess, your tall 4x4 got a loud exhaust ticket?
Yeah as we learned from Ben Carson that was actually based on reality, since pyramids held grain.
“They say a wall is medieval—well, so is a wheel,” Pres. Trump says at meeting near southern border. “A wheel is older than a wall.”
Brake engineer here:
How do I circle around and pretend I didn’t already take a sample so I can get a second?
“I don’t want a functioning government in a thriving society I want my toys and my treats and I want them all to myself.”
Thoughts and prayers for the Megadoodoo family.