Shield dancing is how gentlemen taunt
Shield dancing is how gentlemen taunt
“I assume”
“if I burn her car maybe she’ll have sex with me”
On the one hand, I get you. This cools me on her enormously.
Basketball is also a profession. Would you be as sympathetic if he was playing basketball all day with dreams of being in the NBA? Probably not. Just because you have a better chance becoming a successful streamer because of the relative novelty doesn’t mean that people can’t get annoyed at the concept of a grown ass m…
I wish he had died right then and there.
You must be new here if you don’t know how hard splinter pushes the Bernie is too old thing
Can I game this system by stuffing my cart with items because I want free jerky
Well, now my fetishes seem way less weird.
I’m hardly putting all of my eggs in one basket, so much as I’m pointing out if we lived in the worst timeline, AOC and other people like her would never have stood a chance. The fact that she is in Washington right now is a testament to the possibility that the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t radioactive
We have people like AOC. This might not yet be the darkest timeline.
Good camera work, direction, choreography. Terrible sound mix, weak dialogue and delivery.
Fucking finally god damn
I wonder if you’re this entitled about other things in life.
It’s probably something to do with it controlling celestial objects and existing in some sort of bizarro universe as the only known Significant Evil Thing.
Get over it. You’re sacrificing your own enjoyment and refusing to experience you content you paid for...why?
The appeal in casual gameplay is in the chaos, the items, etc, sure. But to many, the appeal is in finding those characters you like and getting skilled with them and then being able to face off against their friends and online players without worrying about the state randomly moving or a Snorlax dropping on them.
All learning cursive ever did was make my normal print sloppier because I developed a habit of connecting the letters but I forgot all of the cursive letters.
I want off. This ride was never fun and now the tracks are made of sharks and I’m scared.
Look, I’m fairly unimpressed by the tunnel...and that submarine thing...and his behavior in general in the last few years, but calling Elon a fraud at this point is to demonstrate a staggering level of willful ignorance.