
Didn’t Miyazaki say he regretted the Bed? There’s a cut version of it too, which crawls around I think.

Hold on. You don’t think that the United States has a responsibility to clean up a mess after it makes one in a different country?

I love it when people are afraid to face reasoned criticism in a format that allows for sufficient time to explain said criticisms. 

but her emails”

I disagree in that I thought the whole movie was bad, both for reasons you have stated as well as the inappropriate irreverent humor that pervaded every aspect of the movie. Oh look it’s a confrontation with snoke and...hard cut to a goofy Droid being kicked. Let’s just pop that drama balloon.

O-oh yeah well I’ll just cite this one incident that proves all leftists are murderers!

Well that’s just fucking wrong.

Hahahaha you still think it’s Bernie’s fault

If you don’t think they fit together, you simply don’t know the lore. DS3 is a completion of DS1's story that takes place centuries later and tells it’s own story that happens to be the final chapter in this universeof course it’s going to feel different. You can’t expect a Harry Potter sequel.

It fucking doesn’t work and encourages spam posters

No. They have the lore unique to the particular game, but uh

My almost-launch Wii is still chugging away in my roommates room. He uses it for some old GCN games primarily.

Your parents gave you bad genes

Do you believe in reincarnation?

Because it was likely originally planned but always put off to the end. Once BB primary development ended everyone moved to DS3, which had a lot of design and development issues. Chances are, when confronted with the October deadline and the state of the game at the time, they chose to stop BB development with what

Oh please, Civilization is popular for the same reason smash brothers is popular. It’s fun to smash your favorite (thing) together. But for some reason, even though Civ does stuff like Gandhi the nuclear tyrant vs George Washington of Africa, no one blinks an eye. It’s super realistic too how my civilizations can only

If people cared that hard about historical accurracy, Civilization wouldn’t be so popular. Assassin’s Creed would have caused riots.  

Man, open a fucking history book before you decide “these two regime’s were bad therefore they are the same form of government” unless you want people to think you’re a Nazi sympathiser or something.

First I didn’t see the footage so I didn’t realize pokemon trainer is back and there’s no drawback to using a single pokemon. I hope recalling them isn’t down B but Shield B or something.

New characters