
Here we go again with the LARGEST FRONT GRILLE YOU CAN PUT ON A CAR.

I'm so tired of these "look how cool my shit looks outside of the bag" pictures...

you're a little late to the party, tfarts.


because the author can't deduce license plates or car makes...or details...or write coherent articles....

been saying this for ever on this site...

bingo. both of my subaru's have defrosters for the wipers.

I love my Frostguard, and it was a Christmas present...so BAM.

Uhhh...have you seen the weather lately. I live in VA...I might as well be in Siberia right now.

I thought Denny was very respectful and courteous to Danica...WHEN HE INTENTIONALLY SPUN HER TWICE IN ONE WEEK.


This is why I own benign and slow cars.

Reminds me of a Juke that has shed the awful shit look.

thought of nutritional yeast IMMEDIATELY. I love that stuff!


WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY does an auto need a shifter boot.

nooooooooooooooo idea what you're talking about, Torch.

348's are like the Ford Taurus of Ferarri's. Not the SHO's either.

Didn't know Infiniti made the Tiburon.

Your move, GMC.