
When look at car companies, and their lineups...I tend to look more at their lineage as a automotive manufacturer. I believe BMW has proven since early on to make far superior cars. Having driven a few BMW's from the late 70's, and into the 2000's I believe BMW makes a finer vehicle...not always faster, or better

no one said anything about hybrids.

any technical data on the Raminator?

gone now.

lolz. i needed this funny in my life today.

BMW doesn't make vans.

I think "reliable" is a loose term in that respect. I saw a ton of them in Malawi and Mozambique, and all of them were in random states of operational disrepair.

Bingo! My wife and I both drive Subaru Outbacks...an '06 and an '08. I can do most of the maintenance myself.

I once had a conversation with a friend of mine's father (who's a BMW guy, so it's very one-sided, but plays right into this narrative).

This is why I can't have nice things.

Who cares?


lol "better place"

Sorry your RVA highness.

that's good, and enjoyable...however, I've got a serious case of not loving police right now. When they have discretion to watch a fucking magic trick...they'd certainly have discretion to not...i don't know...kill someone.

OH. well, crap.


That's a corvette, right?

yeah. exactly.
