
I'm seriously sad about this.

also they're not frames....they're unibody.

Just so you know, that's not a Saab.

DUDE YES. I loved my 900T. Wasn't an SPG, but I upgraded the APC, intake, blowoff, turbo compressor housing....and a few other things, and it was pretty quick.

Uhhh....that's a transverse transmission. BIG $$$$. A USED transmission (manual) in my 1987 Turbo Convertible was at minimum $2100 (not installed). The engine's can pull over $1k even with 150k on them. Wheels could pull another 150-200 (if they were Saaab (bbs), but they're not)...Convertible motor and frame could

yes. this is the fully GM Saab. It is all of the disgust and disdain.

94 Convertible. Last of the old body. Great cars...I miss them.

am I the only one that thinks this looks absolutely hideous?


Not fully stock. Don't care what it says.

This pleases me.

No. It's not.

The answer is no.

Living in the now, not in the past. IT IS THE ONLY MUSTANG.

ALREADY looks completely stupid.

I'm mostly onboard with the '69 fastback. Good looking, don't love it though.

I mean it's a Shelby, so for that I'll allow the stripes. Most Shelby vehicles have stripes.

Except for the VW logo, I want it.

It's because Ford realizes (like most manufacturers) that not eveyone buying this car will use it for weekends alone on the track. It's a car you can drive every day, and still have a ton of fun. Hence, cup holders for your coffee mug on the way to work.

This is the only Mustang I've liked since 1967. That's a fact.