Dogs and Cats Living Together


I tip on tax, but you don’t have to. Tax really has nothing to do with the cost of the meal from the restaurant’s perspective, but it takes a couple seconds less to do the math that way, and I'm lazy.

i noticed some weird bugs like that yesterday. it goes away if you refresh. very strange.

With respect, of all the comments, in this particular thread, on this particular day, of this particular week, of this particular month, of this year of our Lord, I like yours the most.

What’s up with the ubiquitous “douchecanoe”? Not ridiculing you for using it. Just see it everywhere.

Vance D. Day

I used to drive to/from New England/Texas and would spend a couple days in Nashville with some friends at Vanderbilt. I heard that expression there for the first time, though it was used sarcastically.

Worse than Aldine in Houston?

Ha. I don't know why the dude below is so sore.



That's not what the OP was saying. The OP was asking if they are being cast in proportion to their representation in the general population. If they are being so cast, then fine. If not, then there is a problem.

Yeah, most people don't appreciate the radical streak of the Jesuit tradition. They're basically communists :)

Lived in DC for five years. This is a good description of PWC and the city of manassas.

My family has a cabin in Prescott national forest and fly into Phoenix to get there. Do you know a good place I can get one on my way up? Is Tania’s in Phoenix?

Ha, I noticed the text lent itself to two interpretations too ;)

Yeah, the marketplace is racist, sexist, and other -ists. Surprise, surprise. Doesn’t make it okay.

Edited: I initially responded to the wrong comment.

Who puts French fries in what? You people? No idea what you're talking about?