
Flat tax is the only option, it’s fair, it’s simple, stop all the non-value added costs like tax accountants and lawyers... saves a ton of money that way too. I don’t have a bottom with deductions first. Makes good sense to me. But money to politicians is like slop to hogs, line up and trough it’s never enough.

Hell $10K candian is like 75 cents US right

Of course everyone should contribute, but when you can’t for whatever reason (like say, being so sick you can’t actually work), the system should not kick you out.

So do people born rich “deserve” to live in opulent wealth because their parents were born rich because their parents were born rich because their parents were born rich because their parents profited off slaves or stealing land from Native Americans or what?

These statements are mutually exclusive. If you declared bankruptcy then you took advantage of one of the largest social welfare programs America offers. You took and took from your creditors well in excess of what you could afford. And then when you couldn’t pay it back you whined to the courts and abandoned your

What if they CAN’T contribute? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Oh...so...nothing except for the protections afford by bankruptcy laws?

If you really think no one gave you anything and nothing came to you by chance, then you truly have no idea what civilization is, or what you’re fucking talking about. Poor people should just sit and stare at the wall, then, and can’t have any fun or anything nice. Go fuck yourself.

Earn what you get? That is a cute thought but it simply isn’t how America works. A large portion of success is often pure luck of birth and circumstance; not hard work.

Everybody deserves basic human rights. Of which healthcare is one.

No, we all get the point he is making, which is, “poor people deserve nothing nice and simply surviving should be enough for them. If they don’t like that then we should let them die.”

I did everything right. Final bill that insurance paid out? $300,000 (!!!). Oh, and my portion due to deductibles and items not covered: $12,000. And that was with *good* insurance.

I’m disabled and unable to work in any existing work environment that exists. My only escape from the hell that is life is computer gaming. Take that away, and what’s left?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

As a premium user of MyFitness Pal - I love the desktop recipe creator/calc.

Harrison Ford after landing check list w/service techs:

This guy isn’t going to get it ever. It never occurred to him that his workers were protesting on behalf of an entire community, not just themselves.

Standing up for what they believe in. How un-American.

@improprietary: mac address whitelists mean nothing to anyone who knows what they are doing...

“No universal selfishness can bring social good to all,” he said. “Communism — the effort to give all men what they need and to ask of each the best they can contribute — this is the only way of human life.