
I’m disabled and unable to work in any existing work environment that exists. My only escape from the hell that is life is computer gaming. Take that away, and what’s left?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

As a premium user of MyFitness Pal - I love the desktop recipe creator/calc.

Harrison Ford after landing check list w/service techs:

This guy isn’t going to get it ever. It never occurred to him that his workers were protesting on behalf of an entire community, not just themselves.

Standing up for what they believe in. How un-American.

@improprietary: mac address whitelists mean nothing to anyone who knows what they are doing...

You got to be kidding — they read the chronicles of BOFH ... On of hte standard explanations for problems with the system was Sunspots!

“No universal selfishness can bring social good to all,” he said. “Communism — the effort to give all men what they need and to ask of each the best they can contribute — this is the only way of human life.


Don’t read anything that takes an electronic device to display it

The first step in ethnic cleansing, is to dehumanize people by using terms like “illegals.” They are human beings, with families and feelings. Unlike you, who is a thoughtless pig fuck, who is no doubt unloved and a miserable twat.

Let’s see, if a homeless person comes to the door, knocks on it, asks politely to enter your home, and you allow it, that is immigration in a nutshell.. but if they come to the back door, break the glass and enter illegally - you are supposed to ask them stay, and give them room and board right? Because that is

Bannon’s an idiot, but shaming on looks, I thought that was racist or mysoginist, or Nazi, but it’s ok if you don’t like them right?

Nope, haven’t worked for family since my Grandfather died when I was 19... I don’t even employ family, my 2 sons both work on their own careers. One in IT, one owns his own Farm Services Company repairing/fixing anything and everything either in his garage or from a mobile service truck. Him and his 2 buddies work

Maybe he should not have committed a crime, then maybe he wouldn’t be there.

Almost 50 - 60% of my paycheck goes to pay taxes in one form or another.

Take your whole “I was willing to do anything...” blame and shove it sideways up your ass. No one lived your own life but you. You don’t get to dictate how other folks live, I don’t care how much fucking money you have now. And by the way, I think you’re lying about your riches. - your description of your current

Social Security is available only to those who paid in, but it’s insurance, not a savings account. Current taxpayers are paying for current benefit recipients.

Ever been unemployed?