
Wow, you really think your stupid ass is clever. Better an “Eloi”(whatever that fucking is)

You and your family are worth less than shit. And get out the gloat now, because 2018 is going to fucking suck for you.

Just FYI, he was drafted 199th overall and worked his ass off for this privilege. Being snarky doesn’t make you right. It just comes off a jealous.

Oh he wasn’t the first pick? Or a first rounder?

It is funny how Trumpsters are taking this win as their own....even though the team represets the bluest area of the country.

I’ve been to Iraq and Afg a couple of times, i know how bullets and guns work. bullets are pretty accurate without being hollow point. But hey, sure, lets just let anybody be able to get a round of ammunition that can shred through your basic chest piece 

Why do civilians need hollow points?

I did not say the current laws were against minorities, I said they started out that way. But truthfully the current laws in predominantly blue states of america are just another way to control minorities by making them criminals for protecting themselves. Go to NYC and try to get a pistol ownership permit unless you

Sadly, even a stellar education can’t always cure ignorance.

He does not need a gun. A St. Louis slugger or mace then fists will do the job.

Good thing he’s in Texas, in Cali, DC, Chicago or NYC he probably couldn’t own a gun. Remember gun control was started to keep guns out of the hands of minorities. Remember when seconds count, police are only minutes (or in a lot of places) hours away.  

There’s an odd amount of people I hear claiming “respect must be earned.” I don’t operate that way. Everyone I meet is offered some base amount of respect. Now, you can obviously lose that respect and need to build it back up, but seriously, why can’t people just be civil. Empathy is dying. Good day!

YEAH! Fuck the environment!Who needs that shit anyways? Hey, have you noticed it’s hotter than a hooker’s coochie this year? What’s that about?

Explain smoking tires - looks cool, feels cool? Rolling coal is cheaper by a long shot. If a kid is doing a lot of burnouts — my first thought is he doesn’t buy his own tires.

I’ve become more and more of a Captain America fan of late. His position in favor of punching Nazis as often as possible is an added bonus.

“There were no ‘Where is Roger’ chants during the Steelers dominating victory last night, period.” #SpicerFacts

This was why MLK was such an advocate of nonviolent resistance. He knew just how quickly it undermines any positive message and stymies real change.

Then you can’t afford a house, use the any extra cash you have to pay down the student loan debt and get rid of it.. rent until then.

Now playing

Way to heavy - who carries a stainless steel container around? If took all that with you, how can you not a have way to cook with you too?

If it’s in a garage no, I didn’t catch a reference to that.