
Explains why she probably voted for Trump, she likes real men. She passes over the little boys who are even thinking about grammar when looking at her. Smart and hot, she does have it all.

Badly behaved kids are the fault of the parents. We need to be publicly shaming the bad parents.

Exactly.... I’ve done it too. Got up paid the bill at a restaurant, left the food. Oldest went hungry (mostly, not like he didn’t eat 5-6 pkgs of crackers waiting for dinner) .. went straight home that night. He didn’t go out to dinner next time, we got a babysitter, left him home. He was 5 at the time. Never

Now playing

This video is NSFW, full of foul language but this guy nails the problem. This is what is wrong — simple, no organization is needed, but here is why the left lost.

Quick chuckle how this plays out a like a Jerry Springer show! Here I am looking off into the starry night - I can see how she’s explaining it to him:

That is what you get for being healthy & thin — I couldn’t fall into a 13" gap.. <GRIN>

Ok, how does low cost/free college, universal healthcare and a $15/hr minimum wage (all admittedly “liberal” agendas) “control” people?

Yep, you wonder why no one takes people like you seriously.

Never said liberals want a race war, they just want to control the resources so they control people. They want to hold the power of healthcare, wages, etc.. over the people to control them. OP just said that whites would riot, but not so in history if you look at it in the US.l

I’m not a liberal or anything, but you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are. The founding fathers had intense disagreements about the expansion of executive power, as well as pretty much every other aspect of our government, so to imply that they’d have some monolithic opinion on the state of our country today

This country where millions of people are willing to risk everything to get to live in, where you can say the above and not be arrested, where you can have a right to your opinion and have me who disagrees with you vehemently still defend your right to have it.

The founding fathers must be crying in the afterlife or turning over in the graves to see what we’ve allowed to happen to us in less than 300 years.

Clearly foul play when a well qualified black man or a woman is elected.

I hope this article is sarcasm — because it’s so totally devoid of any fact’s “right or wrong”. It’s nothing but someone’s opinion on some other’s opinion, regurgitated like last nights fifth of cheap vodka into the last cleaned sometime last year porcelain altar down the hall.

White people are the only ones talking about rioting. Everyone else is actually working towards making sure we all have rights and trying to make America a better place.

Good teen ... saw what needed to be done and did at his own peril.

Biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with an average voter — my apologies to Winston Churchill for paraphrasing his quote.

There is a bed skirt/cover as well as the nonslip pad twixt the mattress and the frame.

There is a bed skirt/cover as well as the nonslip pad twixt the mattress and the frame.

Guess I’ve grown past sleeping on the floor, this is a much cheaper (79$) alternative the loves being under a foam mattress. This gives you storage space or in my case dog living space...(90lb lab sleeps under bed every night - he makes sure there are no monsters there - to protect us you know). This handles me & wife

Guess I’ve grown past sleeping on the floor, this is a much cheaper (79$) alternative the loves being under a foam

Does this apply to any Hillary off-the-record comments that might be damaging? I love how you (supposedly a journalist “in name only”) quickly dismiss the fact that they gave their word not to publish, but of course they should give that no thought when they have something juicy .. so much for the honor of the 4th