@twoeightnine: Your teller is on Facebook?
@twoeightnine: Your teller is on Facebook?
@Apollinarius: So long as all the info is there you could use a piece of notebook paper as a check and your bank should take it. Hell, you could write it on anything you want and they have to take it.
@spyderr0de0: I've used Chase my entire adult life and never had any issue with them. As mentioned, you'd be hard-pressed to find a place without one. Especially New York, they're practically on every corner.
@unicornsauce: That makes no sense.
@ant1pathy: Otterbox is fantastic. I didn't get one for my 3G because it looked too bulky, the untextured rubber on the back didn't let it slide easily out my pocket and the belt-clip just was not reliable.
Not that I'm in favor of anyone with child porn but don't they need a warrant to access his computer?
I used to handle my boss's Blackberry when he went on vacation and I'd help with my dad's. Granted they're a few years old, but still were manufactured during iPhone's lifetime.
Don't like MMOs. Like shooters. Like Bungie.
@stalking_goat: YES! Give this man a Nobel Peace Prize, too! We need sexy astronaut ladies, maybe graphene can do that for us.
It's pre-determined: it's going to suck :(
The comic was seriously anti-climactic :( otherwise a great read.
@FiB3R: This. I don't understand.
@diasdiem: Just finished a nice prequel recently that did that: Halo Reach :) damn good job. Funny cause prequels made long after the original always have a bad ending, otherwise there would be no setting for the conflict of the original.
Sincerely hoping this takes off. This idea hasn't been done well enough with enough force and Google is the one to do it. They have the confidence, the technology, and most importantly the partners to pull it off.
@Koda89: Microsoft is the most likely given they revealed 360 on MTV and showed Kinect on it.
Cast iron skillet on a gas stove-top works best. Put a lid on it so you can trap the head and cook it a little more evenly all the way around.
I don't think colorblindness will be a major hamper for this game. I have yet to check it out, but I'm sure the colors are different enough that it won't be terribly difficult.
You should probably alter that "2G data plan" part to at least say 2GB. Juxtaposing 3G to 2G just seems odd.
Idiot. Don't play with guns. I could tell you running backwards and shooting guns at a broomstick in the middle of the field will result in injury.
Whoever did this is awesome, and I hope they still have a job after this.