@rashad123us: The shoulder isn't cut off like that.
@rashad123us: The shoulder isn't cut off like that.
I like the idea of remote play-along. Lest it's the one real original idea on here that I haven't heard before (not that the others are undesirable in the least!)
As a nine-year-old child I can't recall being familiar with the word "marathon" anytime before the game Marathon came out.
Gearbox seems like a fairly cool studio, I see no reason why they would want to C&D this.
Good article, makes me want to go out and get a 250GB Slim all the more. Alas, since it RRoD'd when my friend borrowed it I'm still waiting on the $100 he owes me that he promised.
Severely disappointed that Weatherbug wins out on iOS. I mean, it's informative and tells me everything I want to know about the weather.
@jrockishoss: Given the area and the fact that it's home to the most expensive mansion in the great state it's a given it ain't cheap!
@thepenguin55: Aye, if they want it for the PC there's nothing stopping them from ordering it overseas and putting it on their computer. Consoles are region-locked, computers aren't.
@Pirandello: It is coming to PC, it's just on Valve-time.
@Yofu: I completely forgot about that one. I thought it was a huge snuff to Capcom by Valve saying their game was better. Guess it was just props.
Michael Dell lives off a beautiful stretch of highway in Austin called loop 360. If you want to live in style in Austin find just about any place you can off loop 360 (which, funny enough, is not a loop at all, it just runs North-South). Tons of hills, fantastic green landscapes and some decent hiking and biking too…
@TomXP411: I'm sure that our major cities can be relatively easily retro-fitted to allow for cars to drive themselves. By all means I have no doubt in my mind that we can create a network that can do this and the hardware most certainly exists. I'm sure we could save lives with it.
Uh huh, build me a car that doesn't break, build me a computer that doesn't break, build me software that doesn't crash and I'll consider it.
@Sugoi: Sorry, zombies don't get ridiculous. They get hungry...
That's the kind of motivation I need: finish this project before time and the universe end. Cause there's a coin-flip's chance it's gonna happen.
Am I becoming an Apple fanboy? Because I have this perspective on some of these gadgets now that they just sit around in R&D until Apple comes out with something similar. Then the rest of the industry pulls what they have and confidently touts it cause it has been, or will be, a proven success.
@nerdzilla33: Don't forget they're now publishing Valve's games and id Software chose EA over Activision to publish their first new IP in almost 15 years.
Jeff Brown beat down Bobby Kotick in two sentences. His retort is exactly what I expected to hear after reading Kotick's statements only he surmised them in a much better way than I thought I could.
At the moment the Playbook and the iPad are the only ones I am interested in. The Tab just doesn't seem terribly impressive and I've never been a big fan of Android. Good OS and all, just not my bag. While the Slate certainly seems impressive it's running Windows 7 and seems more or less like a netbook with an SSD.…