The Steamworks integration is smart on Valve's part I say. Two reasons: for one is shows that transitioning between a PC and a Mac, even mid-game, is a cohesive experience.
The Steamworks integration is smart on Valve's part I say. Two reasons: for one is shows that transitioning between a PC and a Mac, even mid-game, is a cohesive experience.
Hey, I remember this game, it was awesome! I think I'll go ahead and do the guy a favor and buy the full thing :)
TLDR, you did that on purpose though, didn't you?
Oh snap! I turned off all Spotlight Search functions since I never use the damn thing anyway and it's fast as ever! My control is the default Camera app. It used to take literally ten seconds between the time I opened the app to when I could take a picture. Now it's three seconds or less. A very nice 300% increase in…
If you download file.ext in FireFox it'll write the file.ext and file.ext.part, if it's interrupted you get the file.ext only partially downloaded.
Most games that have multiple endings typically involve a lengthy process to attain those endings. The actions you commit in these games have a direct affect on the outcome of the ending itself.
I remember when the new BSG just started I think they used bullets, not lasers, and they didn't make any noise aside from the initial, but muffled, firing from the ship itself which was cool.
The last part of that trailer is probably the best.
I might get an iPad just for this case :)
@Quasigizmodo: Pretty much, yeah ;)
@Drummertist: Not necessarily. There would be that group of people that would prefer an iPod3G (for arguments sake I'll call it that) to an iPhone and then carry another phone. You have those people that do that on either side: one is the aforementioned that sacrifice the ability to access internet anywhere. The other…
I wonder how well iPod Touches would sell if they implemented 3G data capabilities. Yeah, I know, it's practically an iPhone. That's the point though, a lot of people I know buy an iPod cause it's all they want from the iPhone without the phone. They're perfectly happy with their service or phone even if it's not a…
They need to hire some oldfags, then they should be alright. That is if they're still aware of what is generally offensive to people anymore.
Stock app: Mail, if not that then Maps. I wouldn't count normal cell phone apps though like Phone or Messaging for instance though. Even then I think the majority of my communication with work is done through e-mail anyway.
@That mop mutant: So would you say that games like Portal, Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2 would be the same if they weren't owned by Valve?
A touch screen that small seems like a pretty stupid idea.
@justcallmepiggy: Dunno about you but I'm finding it difficult to think of a place I frequent where I would not be able to lock my bike somewhere accessible, convenient and outta the way.
FireFox is the best browser out there. I like Opera, Chrome and Safari, but I can't use any for an extended period of time like I can FireFox.
@Rhapsodos: Yeah my immediate family only got that benefit from me having been in the same household for the first 18 years of my life. That and they're just generally a bit more logically minded than the others.
Must have Toriyama. I can do without Uematsu however I wouldn't like to. I could do without Sakaguchi as well cause his newer games just didn't strike me all that much. But Toriyama had a big visual impact and when he was absent in Chrono Cross it made the game too far off from it's predecessor.