Absent Blue

@LLamaStar: I bought an Abit when I wanted to build a crazy gaming rig a couple of years ago and was severely disappointed. It got picky when I added 4 x 1GB sticks, didn't let me overclock (the settings never took despite hours of toiling), the BIOS didn't flash properly and when I got a newer CPU that's model and

@NitrousO: What made it better is no one expected it to be any good. But by golly, it certainly was great by my standards. In fact, the only draw back I can think of and have really seen is it's too short. Other than that it had great game play, music, graphics (everyone thought it used the Doom III engine— this is

Lego Death Race 2000, plz

@Boom! Turducken!: That was some kinky shit. "OMG the badass of this novel is in the same room with a girl and they're both naked!" I think it was that the encouraged me to read further once my friends told me about it.

@litrock: That game was FF7 for me— one day you played games you were a loser, the next day if you hadn't played FF7 you were a loser.

@Passa: No kidding. It's pretty run of the mill and looks static. Doesn't lend itself to the aesthetics of Mirror's Edge and certainly doesn't convey the sense of game play. Show this comic to someone that hasn't seen the game and then show them the game and I dare say they'll have a hard time establishing a

I eagerly await the Fox sponsored (or maybe Toyota) expansion that adds Jack Bauer.

1. Real boss fights— I don't want a regular baddie with a larger life-bar cause they're just as easy to beat only they take longer. With those super powers and those guns I want a ten story beast like Godzilla or a big ass robot to fight.

@outphase: Higher Ground by RHCP was even on the first Guitar Hero and is a cover.

I just thought of an awesome tool: something that translates code into English. I'd make it, but obviously I can't code, it would be a mighty helpful tool to understand and analyze different bits of code for beginners.

@Ladi: Yeah, women in video games never reflect real life buddy. Either their eyes look too stereotypical or their bodies are just too bangin' with perfectly round tits, nice ass and legs that don't quit. Either way you're probably not going to see either in your day to day life.

@Silenced: The one, and only thing they need to adapt correctly from the video game to make this movie worthwhile.

Does not compute.

I do believe Crecente has the same watch as I do; an Invicta Lupah Collection Grand Chronograph. Nice watch, and heavy to boot.

The controls and the graphics look like shit, and the only reason I can think that anyone in their right mind would choose to develop on the iPhone is that they realize it's actually pretty damn easy as opposed to making a game through a publisher and thus, easier to profit on.

So lets consider on a regular day L4D gets about 25,000 people (according to Steam), and if it's reporting percentages as low as 0.1% then that's fair to say that it will still read as 0% as far as 0.049% until it's rounded up. That considered you could actually have as many as 12 people that have gotten these

OK, I know this is off-topic, but I cannot remember the name of the guy in the picture above. I know who he is and what he was doing, but I gotta know his name.

@cool buff man: Agreed, I saw this once before and it was still annoying then. It sounds staged, if anything.

@dead_red_eyes: Which part do you disagree with? The fact (lemme repeat that: FACT) that we are a capitalist, consumerist society? Or the fact we're named America? Or is it that I asked him to leave if he disagreed with the country's fundamental economic basis?