Absent Blue

I always liked Youtube's method of dealing with flagged comments wherein they weren't readily visible so you had to consciously click them open. Double this with Crecente's idea of a bad-star (maybe a pentagram, yeah, that'd be wicked) to further sully future comments and I think it'd be a fair warning sign.

Crackdown 2 it SHOULD happen.

Haha! Microsoft's marketing is working, I'll probably buy the SE even though I've given them up since... well funny enough the last one I got was Halo 3 (SE, not uber edition)

My money is on them changing the art direction to be a little more dark and depressing. Maybe they didn't like how Morrisroe handled the interview, maybe they have weighed the consequences and see that making the game darker could only help.

@LandMineLandSnake: I actually came in here to say the same thing =P that Creative mouse is the balls. Probably the heaviest mouse I've ever used and it's shape is more like an upside down bowl. It wasn't until I used that mouse (cause a friend bought 20 of them for $40 for his shop) that I realized how often I just

Funny thing about UN law is that they're more like guidelines and a country doesn't have to follow them. Not to mention this is an absurd claim, I can fully understand their qualms but the way they're attacking this is completely misguided.

Here in America we're wasting our time on research and debate and over in Thailand they've already figured out the definite link between violent behavior and video games and even know— in order— which game will evoke feelings of violence more than others.

We all know real gamers see right through that d-pad logo.

Problem with California is they don't want to warn people about dangers or give them any responsibility over their own lives. They'd rather just outlaw any such media instead of having to deal with it.

For a second I thought this was a ploy to "Drink more Ovaltine", but there was fore-warning in this at least.

This guy should play Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. That'd be a hoot. He'd probably get a kick out of Metatron being one of the last bosses.

Next thing you know Square's emperor in Final Fantasy XV will be running for emperor IRL...

@RaptorShadow: How about if it was made with *just* Hammer. There's nothing extra, it's all the same textures, objects and game play from Half-Life and Portal.

I see a lot of typos here but spelling "canadian bacon" like that without capitalizing the B is wrong.

Good to know it's got the heeby-jeeby factor in it, as a kid the first Ghostbusters movie to me was funny but also kinda scary. That library lady at the beginning got me almost every time when she transformed.

The Doom movie was horrible, run of the mill, Sci-Fi channel, "I wanna be Aliens, too" trash with too large of a budget.

I know about this video game series that has the same name as this movie but that's where the similarities end. Can't Capcom sue this Anderson guy for stealing their title though?


Games already look good enough, they should concentrate on upping game play and not graphics. Real time ray-tracing would look pretty but it's not a big deal for me when it comes to gaming.

That'd be cool... I mean, I'd never buy it cause I'm all for PC (and I already own pretty much all their games) but if there's anyone that *hasn't* played Half-Life (and I shudder at the thought) then this might be a good way to expand it's audience.