Absent Blue

Why would any publisher in their right mind not want to publish Ghostbusters? It looks true to the franchise and is about as true as it's going to get with Harold Ramis and Dan Akroyd writing as well as starring in it alongside Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson. You've got a guaranteed seller if I ever saw one, everyone

I'm not an "asshole" so I don't understand what he means by this statement. But now I want to be a journalist cause I'm sick of having to actually research and be learned in order to do my job.

And here I thought being against firearms was un-American but anti-knife? What the hell? A shank isn't even knife-worthy anyway.

I sure didn't see that coming, that was hilarious.

@sir_carrot: I'd say Tim Burtonish but you could argue that Tim Schaferish is a derivative of that and seeing as how Bill Tiller worked with Tim Schafer it's hard to deny that correlation.

@Ruisu: Why is it I always get the feeling of Hyung Tae Kim when I see the concept art? I don't know, but I try to hold interest in APB which sounds awesome but I can't help but be reminded it was developed in Korea to start with and we all know the plethora of cheap Korean MMOs...

The success of MK vs DC has been decided, it's going to at least do well enough to merit another MK game =P

Dead pan delivery Jack, probably the funniest part of this guy's show from what I've seen.

@jaws3people0: I lol'd, no seriously, I literally lol'd!

That is sufficiently kick ass, I might have to get the shirt now.

My complaint about this game? It's not on XBL!

BSG writers? Original artists? Craig Mullins!? Hell yeah! If only it wasn't being developed under Sega I'd say there's no way this could disappoint.

A waste of tax payer money and a complete and utter insult to America and what it stands for. I would have liked to visit New York, NY one day but I wouldn't want to give them any tax money to fund ridiculous laws such as this.

Boo DirectX

There may have been more but I can only recall there being one person that ever justified their game quickly enough with time to spare... who was that?

I can see why RE5 was deemed racist especially by someone that makes a knee jerk reaction to it. I was actually surprised to see it took as long as it did to get a reaction to some white guy shooting a horde of black people. But the issue has been resolved by the developers obviously (but if you take their word it was


Yay, Kotaku posted something I submitted! Well, the second pic anyway which I still think is hilarious. First one I actually had as my desktop back when it was new. Still a pretty cool render, nice little slice o' combine life.

I bet they also get to play Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People.

Badass cover alone almost makes me want to get it...