Absent Blue

@RigorVK: Yeah, he did the reading for them but I liked Jim Dale better who did the American reading (he had more variety, wouldn't mind hearing him in Fable 2).

Oh snap, episode 3! I hope it's longer... first was OK, second was pretty awesome though.

A site for JUST classic games? FUCK YEAH. But what makes them different? If they help provide some inkling of support for games that have trouble running under new hardware and OS then I'll bite. ESPECIALLY if they can help me get System Shock 2 up and running...

The Anatole hotel is your home town? Geez. I knew Dallas had a lot of suburbs but that's kinda ridiculous.

Great, DirectX 11. Or is this just Direct3D 11 with and DirectDraw, DirectShow and DirectSound 2? Microsoft shuns the other aspects of it's API and hinders them so long as it makes games look prettier. Leave developers in the dust that could use some updates elsewhere.

I still think the banning of media is stupid but their concerns are at least valid now instead of "a bit too much"

It's messed up that one lawyer is recommended permanent disbarment for being a general douche-bag while another can have sex with an underage prostitute and only get two and a half years. Problem is the latter went out quietly probably and didn't commit the crime again. The former is still a mad, raving lunatic that

It's messed up that one lawyer is recommended permanent disbarment for being a general douche-bag while another can have sex with an underage prostitute. Problem is the latter went out quietly probably and didn't commit the crime again. The former is still a mad, raving lunatic that causes further grief. A punishment

I always thought banning any media is just plain ridiculous. Putting restrictions on accessing it is one thing that already makes me mad enough but outright not allowing it into the country is another. What's worse is that it isn't done objectively, it's just "a little too much." What the hell kind of a metric is that?

Sadly this is one of those games that could have had it's time in the spot light, but Diablo III already cashed in on rainbows.

Hell, I bought Doom III. Was it the best? No... but it's hard to compare. It didn't have an onslaught of Satan's army exactly, but it was technically awesome. A great atmosphere, graphics, gameplay was fun, etc.

"I'm not going crazy, everyone around me is just nuts!"

Needs more rainbow concept art.

This game looks so ridiculous that I might have to get it.

Building a dispenser!

This is the reason they didn't bring any of their games to VC: so they could make you pay full price for them instead. A direct port is a rip off. Everyone would pay out the ass for a better looking Chrono Trigger, Square ought to know best when they C&D'd everyone that tried to do so. But years of waiting and even a

Some of this must be taken out of context. Perhaps the WW2 article in and of itself does not match up to Call of Duty's but I can guarantee there's enough information about statistics, battles, people, etc. that dwarf all information you can find on COD.

As of right now Capcom is the coolest video game company on the planet.

Sounds like fun but I'd rather play it on PC... =\

Remember the cardinal rule, Kotaku?