Absent Blue

I thought it was gonna be received with mediocrity but it seems to have fared pretty well. I might have to check it out...

This is one of those times where we need some good ol' fashioned vigilante justice.

300-foot tall boss fights? These are the reasons I play video games.

Is FF6 overlooked constantly? Or is it just so completely awesome they dare not attempt to recreate or praise it in any such way for fear of the gods (read: Kefka) smiting them (read: tea-bagging their water supply)?

Spot-on, Kotaku! I think Minority Report is one of those movies that used a made-up technology that actually didn't seem terribly contrived. The device pictured prompted one of those, "I want that." nerd moments where the tech stood out more to me than what was going on in the movie.

I'm kind of glad I haven't played it up until now so I can join in on this and thoroughly enjoy it. Methinks I'll bring up the ol' Steamer and check it out.

I'd rather hear about what Infinity Ward and Neversoft got, if anything. If those two devs don't see a bonus that puts six million to shame then justice hath not been serv'd.

Crecente was a crime reporter? Cool, it's like the badass of journalism. Why hasn't there been a good detective/mystery game in so long? We need one just to see Crecente review it.

@crescentfresh: Funny how both of those imply never-ending in their title.

Damn Germans, 70 years later and they're still causing problems.

@Giolon: They have however been working on the game Too Human for ten years. Unless they completely scrapped it two years ago there's no reason it should be so short. Quite frankly ten years is more than enough time to plan out how the game will play and refine your idea to a sharp stick. But they probably did less

Best he never make those remarks again (not like Treyarch is even worth making them to begin with). The game community is young and only just starting out, we don't need developers shouting out who's got the bigger dick. Respect between colleagues should be the norm in all media, I'd hate to see games get worse.

@phrequency: Yes, it would punish minors who bought a game and that is not within the power of the state because of the first amendment.

I always thought this was a cool little hack that Kotaku introduced us to that I'm surprised to not find here:

I hate Gamecock, I hate them even more for being nothing but derivative humor. I also hate [Gamevideos.com] for having to show that damn trailer every time I tried to watch a new movie. Their Flash player sucked so much balls I had to refresh two or three times before it would work =P

@Siegeman: Hello, I'm Starcraft Ghost. Or anything from Silicon Knights, or STALKER, or Daikatana, or DNF.

That's probably the funniest thing I'll see in the next 3764 hours.

Damnit Blizzard just give us Diablo III already.

If you've seen the Samsung TV that looks that way but is black/blue and had a slight bit of common sense you'd know it's a fake.

Everything Valve releases is gold I tells ya, pure gold.