Absent Blue

I say it looks like a Protoss, but you know Blizzard is aware of how observant their fans are. I'm sure they predicted that these two guesses would be made by a lot of people, but you never know what it could end up being and I hope it's Diablo III.

Praise Marathon: Durandal for they thought music killed all the ambiance. They also were the first to make sound actually come from the speaker where the sound itself was coming from in game.

GASP! It's not exactly Mutant League Football, but I'll take it!!!

I bet Splash Woman gets really wet when Mega Man and her go at it.

Alone in the Dark suffers from being a staple in survival horror but consistently churns out mediocre to just plain bad games.

I haven't played a whole lot of four-player Mario Kart but I've seen it a lot on the internet. You wouldn't believe what some people can do with banana peels.

ESA is making these developers sound like ex-girlfriends:

Fuck yeah, San Antonio FTW!

Everything I've read about them makes no mention of any external help, just the three of those guys.

Too bad he's not in the game, it would have been cool if he came back for one last hurrah. I'm sure getting someone to watch the kids while he does the voice acting for one game couldn't be too much.

Eight stores in five cities just sounds so odd when I can think of seven places to buy video games in a two mile radius of where I live.

The Gears spoof was hilarious!

For the most part it does seem better than XBL was (I pretty much am PC only now) but it's still hard to find people you can stand hearing. They might not all be throwing around obscenities like it's the latest thing but they're only slightly more tolerable in their speech I suppose.

CoD in space? I'm there.

Even if for some reason Fox didn't want to cash in on making a Grand Theft Auto movie that doesn't mean Rockstar can't just make a movie and simply call it "GTA"

@hotdamn: As it's been said they were Spanish, not Mexican, but that's your fault for not even paying attention to the story or the setting. You're hard press to find zombies in Mexico as is but castles and swamp land? Even harder.

"His teammates have often speculated on his true appearance beneath the voice-muffling gas mask and baggy clothing, or whether the pyro is even a 'he' at all. The purse he always keeps in his locker seems to suggest otherwise, but they're too polite to ask. "

Everlong? You mean, greatest-song-in-the-world "Everlong"? Damn, I'll have to get Everlong Hero World Tour now.

Sorry, but that's just silly. I respect the man's opinion and by all means I would be just as disappointed if I were him, but since he doesn't own the rights to the music no one has any reason to ask for his permission. Sure it would have been courteous to have asked but you can't really expect that to happen with