Absent Blue

@thewisestfool: Activision is gonna milk that franchise dry if it can. CoD4 isn't really even the fourth game, it was the third developed by Infinity Ward, apparently they even refer to it as the third in their code and were bitter about the "third" one.

okenny makes me feel something special in my happy area.

If they can make the game look like it was shot in film during the 80's I'll buy it on style alone.

Holy crap Star Ocean 4 looks beautiful! It's so smooth and detailed and... not brown.

I've never said this before, saving it for a special occasion. But I think this warrants the statement:

I was seriously beginning to wonder if game designers were ever going to do drugs again.

Oh that is too funny!

I'll have to go with sports games on this one. Racing, simulation, flight, those I have little interest in but find a few that are fun, and I'm at least decent at them. I have no talent and no interest in sports games for some reason. They always feel broken to me even when I attempt them.

I agree with Kotaku on this one, that cover looks a lot cleaner and well composed than the other.

Age of Conan is awesome, just even out some features, give us more content in the higher levels and eventually release some new areas and I'll still be playing.

Everything they've said this game will do just makes it sound too good. But visually and audibly they've done nothing but wow us all. I can't wait to check this title out.

I have high hopes for the quality of this game. Any other console and I'd easily predict it as a sleeper hit— widely appreciated by anyone who plays it but not well known enough to make a big impact.

Pretty bad reveal, it didn't show jack. All it looks like so far is Duke Nuken 3D... in 3D. Same weapons, enemies, actions, etc.

One reason I don't have TV anymore:

You know, they could have left it all up to the discretion of the reviewers. If anything just tell them, "No plot spoilers" and leave it be.

"It seemed like Itagaki was done..."

Video doesn't work for me until I go to ZP's site.

How convenient Lakers and Celtics are coming in for the first time in 16 years when NBA ratings are low.