Absent Blue

Sounds awesome, a co-worker came by earlier all excited showing off his box. Admittedly I avoided all news on it because I'm not into MMOs at all for the very reasons that seem to set Conan apart from them. I think I might have to pick this one up and give it a try.

By the way, we use the same BMI calculation in America to deduce that 33% of us are overweight. Not saying we're not a portly country, we certainly are, but I'm sure a lot of people figured that every one out of three people they met weren't fat. And I live in San Antonio, we're considered one of the most overweight

@bangbangblah: Yeah, I hate it when people say such obvious things.

He says the conflict is there like the ESRB is at the beck of the industry. If anything it's the other way around.

The guy that went up against big Hollywood? First off, when were we opposing big Hollywood? I mean, they make crappy movies but compared to Uwe they're all golden. Secondly, isn't he the one who tries to do nothing but find big name actors? Thirdly, he also flat out said himself that he copied big Hollywood in his

That was too funny, I'll have to show that to my brother.

I said it back in the Guitar Hero benefit and I'll say it again: I love Texas. I also love video games. I always knew Texas was a big state for games (as well as everything else as we like to claim) but it's nice to see us really embracing that fact now.

@YUYU: I dunno about MGS2 being the best plot of any game, in fact I didn't care too much for it myself.

I love Texas. I mean, I hated it when that representative from Dallas spent public money on the p1mp-ass rig, but I couldn't help but laugh about it. Dallas is a pretty big place for game developers and computers in general, Austin has even more. I wish San Antonio had some game devs but we do have a whole lot of

These retrospectives are always great nostalgia and I learn some things I never knew. For instance I didn't know it was Kojima who wanted the scenes in Twin Snakes to be completely redone, so my blame was misplaced this whole time (I couldn't stand Twin Snakes, it was a bastardization of the original to me).

@H0PLITE: I was thinking Perfect Dark also. The design is somewhat similar, the interesting weapons add to that and so does the whole alien aspect of it all.

Final Fantasy 6 in all it's glory with the art direction coming as close to an Amano painting as technically possible. Full 26 minute opera scene, completely orchestrated sound track.

@Sauce: As soon as I clicked on the "Race" section of the site I got the same feeling that you just confirmed right then.

Hell yeah! Give me this over Too Human any day!

When I saw that first pic I thought for a sec those were from the shorts done a while back. That is until I read the description.

I have an aversion to RSS feeds. Until they get better, which is constantly "soon" then I don't care much for them. I'd rather check sites individually.

I've seen my fair share of things on the internet, things that would make people scratch out their eyes and denounce any and all faith they had in humanity and higher beings.

On the bottom of "Things I want to do list" is the following:

I for one am glad Lucas Arts wants people to experience the same game regardless of their system. The graphics on the other consoles like PS2 and Wii are still damn good because they've been optimized. Optimizing graphics on a scale for PC would be kind of difficult for them to do well.

Too bad Squeenix won't allow us to have fun. What a shame that a company whose modern flagship title is the only thing that saved them from ruin and here they are now much less the humble company they once were.