
Well, historically they’ve begun well. They fall apart after that, but he generally gets in one really superb season at first, and sometimes as much as a couple of good ones in addition to the first.

Let’s stop this bullshit right now.

Exactly. Her aggressive marketing and PR ploys are what get her hits. She doesn’t use feminism to promote any causes or speak up about problems within the industry, just to piggyback on it so she can get a free pass on making shitty revenge songs about people and leaving “clues” in lyrics sheets about them

Tayor Swift is the exact opposite of feminist. At every turn, she portrays a false victim... I still blame Kanye West for allowing that seed to be planted that makes her untouchable. Even in her quoted statements here, she wants you to believe that people are trying to hold her back. There is no one in the music

I’m just glad he’s not talking about the need for the youth of America to rise up and put on some Reebok sneakers.

I am really sick of Beyonce and Nicki Minaj holding themselves out to be feminists and “powerful women” and then continuing to make videos that feed into patriarchal values and misogynistic expectations simply because they rake in money for it. Is it okay to set aside true feminist values to collect a paycheck? No.