
I was riled up on the ride home for sure. The silver lining on all of this is that a year ago I wouldve thought up a whole get skinny quick plan and vowed to show him *shakes fist towards the sky* but I sort of just ranted to my mom and got worked up but calmed down, journaled it and I feel like I’m okay. I don’t like

I am trying so hard! Sometimes when shit like this happens it makes you question everything! I’m trying to take it as a lesson to ignore the dumb shit people say and keep living my damn life!

I really need to practice quickly absorbing shit people say and saying something back to put them in their place! Thank you for your comeback, I’m gonna practice it for next time (hopefully there won’t be a next time but...you know!)

Thank you friend!! 😭 💚

A charleyhorse! 😂😂😂 from your lips to God’s ears to this dumb man’s leg, friend!

You know what was really fucking weird? I am from a family where you blindly hug everyone. As an adult, I have learned how to only hug the people I genuinely want to show love and not hug the people I don’t like. I am a warm person and like most people. I DON’T like this guy (no idea why, I just don’t) and I never hug

I have no where else to write this and I gotta get it off my chest soooo here goes

I’m chubby and 31 and constantly being told how young I look. The other day a bouncer told me I look like I was born in ‘94 and then the next day I was carded while buying alcohol and told that I “must have good genes” because I look young. My mother said she thought bigger people looked older but I think in some cases

I’m seeing Neko case next week in NYC! I love this story!

Thanks so much for this! Best advice eveeeeeer. You are totally right...you shouldn’t have to change to meet someone and if you do then that ain’t your someone. I actually am feeling pretty good because all of these comments are so dope and supportive and enlightening. I am about to print this shit out and tape it to m

My new favorite pointless thing is not buying shit from super rich people. Does absolutely nothing at all except make me feel good.

Just learned about orthorexia, I will def check her out

5! 😭😭😭 It is so wild how early you start to think about that stuff! I have wanted to lose weight since I was 14 and when I was 14 I was much smaller. I look back and think “what the hell was I seeing???” I actually have a twin (fraternal) who is naturally smaller than I am so I had that to deal with that shit too gr

OMG please look it up! She says a lot of stuff that will make you be like “uhhhh what????”. Especially about “intuitive eating” where she goes “eat whatever you want!” The idea is that eventually, if you aren’t in the midst of an eating disorder and need more help, you learn to just eat and move your body normally” wi

The other day I was talking to a friend about how I had been holding myself back from dating. She asked me why and then suggested that I was holding myself back because of my weight. I told her that was true. I said that I felt like I had been waiting for my life to start when I lost 100 pounds and would be more desira

Just curious, are you a black woman?

I wrote the longest comment on earth and don’t think it saved but I just want to say black people can absolutely be racist OFTEN not rarely and to perpetuate the idea that it is sooo infrequent that it is not worth mentioning is ridiculous. I’m a black woman and I can’t tell you the amount of racist shit black people

WHAT? This is so wild! The FIRST?

Thanks for writing this. I hate the guards on the show so much, I can’t believe how terrible they all are. I don’t know what it is like in prison but I found myself watching and really hoping that this isn’t the norm.

This is my whole life. 😭😂