I love me an alien movie and those aliens were just big ass squids. their writing resembles flowing ink? for real? thats a fucking squid.
I really like Warsan Shire’s poetry
i’m confused - in this post where she writes “In light of these facts, it’s incumbent on employees—the police, Customs and Border Protection agents, ICE officers, and everyone else with a hands-on role in carrying out the ban—to resist. Simply don’t do it.” and then posts those tweets - are those examples of people…
why do his people keep acting as though he won the popular vote? it is maddening, truly. and he asked the press to stop being critical? it is the fucking press and he is a shit person - of course they’re going to criticize him. has he done a single good or sane thing since he ran? he was on the howard stern show…
“the sky is blue.”
I usually dream about stuff that has been on my mind all day but I have been actively avoiding everything about this shit if I can because it makes me so fucking angry. Last night I dreamed that the results were overturned or something because there is just no way this unqualified asshole can be president. My brain…
We went so long without one of these
My white coworker said the black security guard called her racist when she said she doesnt see why people get upset over the confed flag. she said black people feel bad because slaves existed a long time ago but it was so long ago and its not like she feels bad because white people were slave owners.
Do you know where you can fin out about protests for the inauguration? Im in NJ and plan to go to any in NYC but also would like to go any for the inauguration. i’m sure details will start popping up on FB but Ive never gone to a protest before so i dont know how to find them. but i cant stay home for this shit.
I wish I was in NYC!
I am going to need journalists to not say ‘we’ during the next four years. ‘We’ didn’t elect Donald Fucking Trump. this is a clear case of ‘THEY’. THEY DID IT. The only thing ‘WE’ will do is suffer for it. the aftermath will be for everyone.
I HATED this movie when I was kid. I was so annoyed with the dialogue because I didn’t understand what the fuck anyone was saying. I was like “why didn’t they just update this shit?”
One year is not nearly long enough for tay. Or for me. She needs a two year break. I still havent forgotten she is a snake.
I thought so too...I was like “.......that’s all?”
What are you talking about? Breitbart is a TOTALLY credible source. The journalists and editors on that site are the only people actually doing any REAL, legitimate reporting. It’s where we should all be going to learn the TRUTH about things and UNCOVEVER the INJUSTICE that is the rigging of the 2016 Presidential…
They moved that shit to Friday? Yikes
“Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason.” Then he shrugged.