
Yeah I guess it might be an argument from fallacy. Since lithium630 was arguing the fallacy that Gizmodo is in league with climate conspiracists, and then making the argument that the headline (maybe they meant the article, not just the headline?) would have a larger impact if it came from anyone but Gizmodo.

I mean it’s great that climate contrarians think of economics as the reason why scientists would be lying about climate science; it’s very Marx-inspired of them to argue that people’s actions are motivated by avarice rather than anything else. What a great argument against unrestricted capitalism!

FWIW the creators of South Park weren’t even trying to say that anthropogenic global warming is or isn’t real. They were just making fun of a current topic, like their earlier rainforest episode did. But sometimes the South Park audience isn’t particularly... bright. 9 out of 10 times online a person referring to a SP

Bear, at 2:19pm, claims

Peter Larson at 12:31pm provides three misinformed talking points

VidPro at 12:53pm provides us with the first Algore joke of the day

True story: Internet commenters lying and otherwise just making things up is a renewable and sustainable energy resource. The 21st century needs to transition from using fossil fuels to power our civilization into using misinformation to provide energy. I’ll try to do my part to collate some of the misinformation into

I love this one: