
My god, Texas is in a perpetual one-upmanship contest with itself to elect the floppiest white guy possible. Their next two governors will be a tray of Vanilla Jell-O, followed by an actual quivering lump of semen.

Classic comedy. Proof that just because you’re the biggest fish in your little pond doesn’t mean you should invite a goddamn shark over for dinner.

“The plane is an eyesore!” -Some guy who probably owns a Nissan Juke

Despite this being 2017, it took me a minute to realize you meant the Secret Service and weren’t referring to the Nazi military group.

Yeah, big deal librul morans.

The smoke itself never bothered me all that much. It was having to wash or dry clean every last garment I wore into those places. No big deal if you were spending a night out raging, but for something like meeting for a drink after work it was such a drag. It was a good move.

Looking back there were about 50 different things New England had to do right to win this game and another 50 different thing Atlanta had to do wrong to lose this game and somehow all 100 things happened.

And by the largest point margin of any Super Bowl they’ve won.

I’m still left with the conclusion that this is basically all Shanahan’s fault. Look at the Falcons this year. They had six losses (including the Super Bowl). Outside of the loss in week 1 (which was a generally sloppy, heavily penalized game) and the outlier loss in Philadelphia, every other Falcons loss this season

Hot Take- Shanahan was in one of those “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” type scenarios in that throwing the ball in those type scenarios is what got them to the Super Bowl to begin with. If Freeman makes the block, the Falcons win the game (assuming they make the field goal).

The Patriots led for exactly zero seconds in the Super Bowl, and yet they still won. That’s crazy.

Thanks for the analysis, Dom. These gifs are really great.

I’m on my lunch break eating a plate of chips with melted cheese on them. You can take your fat shaming elsewhere.

I was gonna say... did this fucking moron just call SNL, a live comedy skit show, “Fake News”?

Do the old gimmick of having Trump look in the mirror. Baldwin plays Trump; Rosie O’Donnell plays the reflection.

The key to stopping brady has always been the same. Don’t blitz and try to get pressure up the middle with 4. Make him move off his spot. Brady is one of the worst at throwing on the move.

Blitzing almost never works against Brady because he can make the read and throw so quickly. FO had the numbers, his are insane against the blitz. The Giants didn’t blitz in their SBs against NE, they got immediate pressure with just the defensive line, and they got it up the middle. That’s the key, getting pressure