
That's pretty funny.. But it would be even worse to see "How to tell your boyfriend or husband that you gave him herpes".

This is pretty cool.. But I prefer the dipr to dunk my Oreos.

It's against Twitter's Terms of Service to sell or profit off any services that they offer to you for free. This means you can't sell twitter names to another person or company period. If they find out that you have sold a name, they will ban the account and delete the name permanently.


It's Wabbit season, and I'm hunting wabbits, so be vewy, vewy quiet!

It is called a "programming language" for a reason lol.

I agree. It's not that I'm dismissive of the other platforms or alternatives, I just don't feel like the others can do the same job as easy as iOS does. It takes additional languages, like HTML5 and CSS3, to bridge the gap. As a matter of fact, take the app out of the equation and just compare the operating systems by

As a photographer, I think these are pretty bad! But what makes them even worse is the post processing.

Good Stuff. As long as it's hooked up to that computer - it can also be taken over.

Sure. Just do us a favor and make sure you plug your ethernet cable into it so we can take that over too.

Pretty impressive for a $600 drone.

So basically Amazon is going to be like a glorified library now?

I didn't know the Enquirer made tiles!

Yea, I'm sure this will be new for a lot of people - I was just making the point that this could've been posted weeks ago when the video was floating around.

You guys are late on this one.. This was posted on many other blogs weeks ago.

Not really because those other devices you listed don't and can't run the type of native apps that I'm referring to. Most of the native apps that we're both talking about are only found on iOS devices because Apple has paved the way for this with their devices/iOS. I read an entire article about how Friskies wasn't

Not too sure about the product itself.. But this just goes to show how simple and intuitive the Apple iOS devices really are. Toddlers can pick it up and play with it, heck even cats can use the iPad to play games with the Friskies' App!

Considering how much we've spent on the entire "War on Terror" - $500m for the memorial is pennies on the dollar. Just think of how much cleanup had to be done, by thousands of workers, in order to even begin new construction a memorial.

They would battle over watts for dinner.

I wish I were space-bouhnd!