
Definitely for real.. It's starting to pick up too.. Hopefully it makes the funding goal so we can have a real open source initiative put towards making a real hoverboard!

LOL.. Now this is funny.. He also stole his camera product from the guys that did the ishuttr camera case project on Kickstarter. I think we should start calling him Will.i.was - because he's a has-been.

When will these companies learn? What you can make, we can unmake. Period.

Wasn't this pitched in the new version of Wallstreet: Money Never Sleeps? I guess Shia Labeouf and the Chinese made a deal but had to bring Lockheed in to help fund it.


hoverboards.org - there is already a company working on that

I believe that documentary came out like 4-6 months ago on the Discovery Channel.

I just had to.. www.thedipr.com

You can use the dipr for that instead... www.thedipr.com

I see your 2 words and raise you just 1: proxy.

I'm convinced that Apple or Google (or whoever) can create amazing devices and the haters will still hate. You're either an Android fanboy or an Apple fanboy, if you're not, then you have a Microsoft device or a flip phone. Whoopty-doo-da! Who cares! We all know today's technology will be obsolete within 2-3 years

You give me a 100m contract and I'll sign it with just about anything you want!

Confirmed! I went to the Apple Store on Fifth Ave in NYC last night with my wife and they upgraded her from her iPhone 4 to an iPhone 4s because they didn't have anymore stock of the black iPhone 4's in 32gb. So this is confirmed for Apple Fifth Ave - just make sure you have an issue with the device that will require

For white sneakers.. Use Toothpaste + Bleach and a Toothbrush to clean your sneakers and you'll be very happy. I've used this on the rubber parts and leather parts of my Nike's and DC's and it doesn't hurt the leather at all, just make sure the mixture is diluted with a little with hot water.

BLAST! Damn that I!!!! (Stewie voice)

Stewie Gryphon? I think you mean Stewie Grffin lol.

Ummm.. Ok.

I find this interesting that the story has changed now.. Back when all this was breaking news, the president said that video was taken on board the navy vessel when they did his burial at sea. They did the video to prove to the Arab-Nation that he had a proper burial - now that's not the case it seems.

Wow.. What a great documentary.