
lol, his apology where he didn’t apologize was a sincere one.

lol. the guy in a bad place who is in that bad place because he sexually harassed women and lied is now being bullied.

lol. he did lie about it like every other scumbag for years until there was a story that came out about it.


Jesus Christmas, trolls. For the pseudo-intellectual types: Fuck off with that bullshit. For the rape culture fans: Just fuck off.

God dammit! Why are otherwise smart men so fucking stupid and don’t know how to behave like fucking human beings the minute they see a woman? Is there not one goddamned man with the tiniest bit of fame, power, or money who can NOT be trash?

Typical berniebro apologism. 

This is completely insane.

Counterpoint: Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequence.

Look, obviously I disagree with the man’s views, but the death of any human being is . . . excuse me for a minute.

Couldn’t care less about his family’s grief. Don’t run a fucking terrorist organization.

You watch too much Fox News. Your brain has turned to shit.

I know you’re trolling, but since there are so many people who don’t understand the first amendment, I thought I’d just remind you all that you don’t have the right to say whatever hateful thing is in your heart and not have repercussions. You can still get in trouble at school, lose business, and get fired from your

I’m pretty liberal, and I sure as hell didn’t want him dead. I want him to live long enough to see everything he worked for come crumbling down around him. I wanted him to make a new friend, and only find out 3 months later that he’s in an interracial marriage. To actually have to look his own racism in the eye while

I don’t know about liberals, but anyone who doesn’t appreciate the KKK will probably feel that way. I sure as fuck do.

Should “liberals”, and particularly liberals of color, be sad that a man who wanted them dead is dead? Should they be sad that his wife appears to have gotten sick of him and killed him? I mean, this is how Americans reacted to Hitler’s death:

So witches float and wizards sink?

Fuck off.

And when you think you’re done fucking off, fuck off even further. Fuckhead.

Chill out, Darren Wilson. You probably shouldn’t be positing on this site.

I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but I don’t need a lesson in civic participation. And I damn well don’t care about some primer because I’m sick and tired of doing shit the old way. A group of local activists and I got our MOC to agree to a town hall and we sure as fuck aren’t affiliated with anybody. Not

what kind of fuckery are you trying to bring here? yeah, that’s the real thing to focus on here. fuck out of here with that bullshit.