
If the car had hit her harder, she would have came in through the bathroom window.

Wow. The impact almost sent her across the universe.

She didn't notice that the lights had changed. The crowd of people stood and stared.

Well done with all the Beatle puns. Some if those came out of nowhere, man.

Other than the Buckeyes, those are all Cincinnati foods, not Ohio foods. As we all know, Cincinnati is in Kentucky.

In fairness, as a native of the state, I can tell you that a lot of Ohioans have the same reaction to Skyline.

"You come at the King, you best not miss."

I should have specified I'm a Titans fan.

Ooops! There's water allll oooover Chris Pratt. I see it's making his t shirt very, um...that's a real shame.

[I'm on an internet campaign spreading kindness. Please accept the following affirmation.]

I guess the io9 .gif party is going the way of the dinosaur*. Or it will just totally suck.

You poor, naive soul. I feel for you. If you think the anti-child crowd is annoying as an expecting parent, just wait until you start getting forced into contact with the sanctimonious multi-child parent elitists at day care and every other damned place.

We're arguing about the assholeness of an asshole who lied (like an asshole) about doing an asshole thing to make himself seem like an even bigger asshole. So let's admit that we're all better people than this guy. That aside:

Why are you so butt hurt about this? Who gives a shit, its a funny story, move on, and go on your merry way.