
Counter-Counterpoint (#2): The Lord of the Rings films introduced these stories to a vast multitude of people who were not fans of the books before. For two decades, Tolkien’s works have grown with the benefit of New Zealand’s otherworldly beauty that would have been impossible to replicate in the UK. Tolkien’s works

This is why the American film industry ended up in Southern California, after starting out on the East Coast...

But can it run Crysis?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

While it’s currently less efficient to produce hydrogen than charge a battery, you need a battery to charge, and all batteries we have right now have massive environmental impacts themselves that are usually ignored in the EV discussion. Hydrogen cars run off the most plentiful fuel in the universe, one which there

Hydrogen cars > EVs.
No range anxiety, and if we used nuclear stations to produce the hydrogen, we could do so without putting further strain on our electrical grid. Also, there are major environmental concerns/issues regarding Lithium, which is needed in vast quantities to make EVs feasible.  Until we get better at

Me too, but considering what’s been revealed about Armie Hammer’s...difficult to ignore habits...whatever slim hope you might’ve had is gone.

I have been a first-week customer of Diablo 2, of Lord of Destruction, of Diablo 3, of Reaper of Souls, and of both Starcrafts. I will never buy another game from either one (my anger began at their actions vis-a-vis Hong Kong, but is even greater now). Don’t be garbage, don’t buy their games.

...beta versions of software may be fine for games...they are definitely not OK for things that weigh 4000 lbs and go at 50 mph around other people

Yeah, this movie is better than most people give it credit for. It DOES have pacing problems, but it captures the real nature of Star Trek better than many of the later movies (including the better, but action-oriented, Wrath of Khan). This movie deals with the unknown, is more about investigation than fighting or

wtf are you going to do about it?

Two thoughts:

Wow, thank you for these amazing insights that no one struggling with weight has ever heard before! How brave and insightful of you.

Wow.  Thank you for your astounding insight.  No one who struggles with their weight has ever heard those tips before!

Yeah, but a car without autopilot wouldn’t have warned a driver about it either.

We had pretty fierce dorm battles of Melee back when I was in school (though this is now more than a decade ago). I was one of two players who were commonly the best, partially because it was my console so I got more practice that others. I played almost every character well, except Ganondorf. When a new guy joined in

As a long-time Sony shooter, I strongly recommend the 55/1.8 Zeiss lens. It’s astoundingly sharp and a great balance of performance and value. You can get a nicer 50-ish mm lens for E-mount, but those will cost you.

So, you’re saying they had...Rendar-ing issues?

I’m not convinced that its entirely mass that is the issue. Let’s not forget that they are also developing entirely (revolutionary) new engines as well. All of the crashes to date have been linked in one way or another to the engines not functioning right on relight.