I think this is another example of the Yankees age-old policy of being douche-nozzles, but maybe that’s just me? Is it just me?
I think this is another example of the Yankees age-old policy of being douche-nozzles, but maybe that’s just me? Is it just me?
Damn it, take your star!
Many DC residents acted as if anything south or west of BosWash was a dirt-poor cultural wasteland filled with stupid people who were there to be manipulated for votes
Hey, we’d be glad to have you.
As much as I love to rib on Cleveland (BROWNS SUCK), this reeks of the nauseating “arrogant East Coast type pisses on Middle America” trope. And you all wonder why people outside BosWash or Cali/Portland/Seattle are so hacked off about things?
Does Cleveland rock?
Personally, I feel like this is a much better album than you’re giving it credit for. Admittedly, it’s perhaps just a difference in taste, but I still find the anger palpable and emotionally satisfying. YMMV
I rode Amtrak from Cleveland to Salt Lake City (switched trains in Chicago) and loved it. There is a romantic nature to it. However, it only holds that appeal if you’re 1) note in a hurry and 2) traveling somewhere with something worth looking at. The Great Plains and the mountains out West were amazing, and the train…
I completely disagree.
“...for them to say this advanced the national conversation on gun control is like saying the Salem witch trials advanced the conversation on women’s rights.”
Hydrogen cars are better. No charging time, refuel like a conventional car, and the fuel can be made anywhere on earth.
First, this is many more Republicans than many expected, which might embolden others to join in and create enough votes for a veto. Second, this will provide evidence for the courts to use when debating whether this is a legitimate use of emergency powers. Having a bipartisan rejection like this makes a much stronger…
...Marriage obviously predated the early Christian church. But Christians believe that God had called them into a covenant relationship, or marriage, many thousands of years before this...
There are Saturn fans out there, still, right?
I don’t personally care for Kelly Clarkson’s music, but every time I hear her speak or be interviewed, she comes off as very warm, genuine, and authentic. These are qualities sorely lacking in the entertainment industry, so I feel a need to root for her success. This video combined all her positive qualities with a…
As a kid, my brother and I subscribed to Nintendo Power, which often gave cryptic hints or suggestions. No amount of hints ever helped us beat this game, though.
I’m glad to hear from someone else with such a strong connection to this game.
This curse-on-both-your-houses mentality is not helpful. The Democratic Party is not as far to the left as I’d like it, but it’s MOVING left because left-leaning people being involved in the process. People AOC and Elizabeth Warren don’t bitch on the sidelines, they get involved and have an impact. The Democratic…
I mean, have you heard of HARP? Or Cash for Clunkers, which enabled low-income people to get much more out of their old cars than they were worth (and also getting old, fuel inefficient cars off the road). Obama inherited the greatest disaster since the Great Depression and steered us out of it, while helping to keep…