Abradolph Lincler

Knowing next to nothing about Gillis I thought I was about to listen to a straight up white supremacist after reading this article. He just seemed like a low-grade bro dude.

They’re a bunch of pearl-clutching dorks upset that Shane Gillis, who they thought they successfully cancelled, is now bigger and more successful than any of these failed writers or their favorite bland comedians.

No, the AV Club has its priorities straight. The most important topics in entertainment are: (1) Shane Gillis, (2) Bowen Yang, (3) end of list.

Did Shane Gillis run over the AV Club’s dog or something? This is just pathetic.

I’m not a big Gillis fan, but this is unfair to Sean. His questions were fine. I think you let your personal dislike of Gillis bias you too much here. 

You want some insight? You’re making me soft. Really soft.

This is fantastic news for a Sony not-Spidey universe Turner D. Century motion picture. If they make nickle ticket prices it could be the greatest loss-leader promotion of this century!


I wouldn’t say they were over-saturating, certainly not to the level they did with Marvel. During the Renaissance era, the Disney studio released one animated movie per year (except 1993, when they released none.) Compare that to Marvel, where Disney have been aiming for three movies a year plus God knows how many

I’m not really worried about Sony buying Alamo from an anti-trust point of view. They only have 36 theaters so it’s not Sony can wield their might and not show their movies elsewhere or only show Sony movies at their theater. If Disney bought AMC, that would be a bigger anti-trust problem since AMC is a much bigger

I seem to remember a cool little network of blogs that was struggling for years to find a devoted userbase and dozens of talented writers until a kindly old group of billionaires stepped in to help them out. And that little network of blogs, whom nobody liked, grew up to be... sold off piece by piece until maybe one

The thing is, a company only gets sold to a PE firm if it’s already fucked up. So you’re kinda looking a sample set that’s already headed for failure.

I work in finance, and our firm sells companies to PE groups all the time. A PE-backed company is actually less likely to go under than a privately-owned one, because if it’s struggling then the investors can put more money in to support it (and have more resources for troubleshooting). Granted some of these groups

Even though they’re parodies they’re still amazing ., Even as someone who generally hates musicals , I love this movie and its soundtrack.

“Uncle Fucker” was robbed at the Oscars. Having a title you can’t say on a worldwide broadcast aside, it was the best song in a film that year by a country mile.

You rightfully mention it, but I just think it bears repeating: God damn, that is a great soundtrack! It’s almost “This is Spinal Tap” in how the songs are both a pitch-perfect pastiche and excellent sincere contribution to the form.

Bachman-Turner Overdrive - “You Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet”

Ween - Mister, Would You Please Help My Pony?

I’d love either “Poor, Poor Pitiful Me” or “Lawyers, Guns, and Money” by Warren Zevon

‘Avant Gardener’ - Courtney Barnett