Abradolph Lincler

A few suggestions:

Eighties - Killing Joke

This is the best AV Club article in literally 5 years.

Spontaneous combustion?

Already happened.

The good news is no one will be in gray jail. But G/O still owns all the user info, so everyone will need to create a new log in with their old user name.

One hopes that “migrate off Kinja” will include moving to a platform that isn’t a pile of radioactive garbage.

And I just have to say, the possibility of a resurrected AV Club makes me so, so happy. The old school original version was one of the very best things about the old, pre-enshittified internet, and that it could rise from the ashes like a Phoenix gives me hope that all is not yet lost.

Holy shit, I honestly thought the old Undercover videos were going to be lost forever. And a new season to boot? Things are looking up around here.

If we’re talking staff, let’s get Will Harris on Random Roles again

Remember when we all thought Disqus was a piss-poor commenting system?  Living history that it can always be worse.

Run the Series is back: https://www.avclub.com/film/features/run-the-series

And maybe Leonard Pierce for a laugh?

I’m a long time AV Clubber.  And losing Kinja would be marvelous.  Please bring back the community we once had.  I thought Disqus worked great at the time, and I don’t know if it would be the solution this time around, but something apropos please!


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Going to go with “Laid” by James - to see who can hit the high notes.

I hope The A.V. Club also brings back Page to Screen and One-Season Wonders.

I have no suggestions, but this news makes me deliriously happy.