Abradolph Lincler

Maybe he’s running it into the ground on purpose and really he was the hero all along?

I’m genuinely curious about what Musk’s end game is here.

I wouldn’t say ‘deadly dull’, but it’s definitely an otherwise ok movie with a single standout action scene. I’m not sure I get why it needs a remake, given that there are a lot of other stories in the same vein that could be told, but it’s not like it couldn’t be improved by a lot.

Yeah, I don’t go to the store ever, I only wear SSIIs and Stan Smiths from Adidas so I just order ‘em online. Could be there a bunch of Yeezys I don’t recognize, I really don’t check out peoples shoes that much.

This is why Endless Growth is, and always has been, foolish. And that’s being kind.

In 2010, the Federal Communications Commission passed the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act to lower the volume of commercials.

Allison Janney seems a bit old to have a son in high school.

I’ve been on several juries that definitely weren’t entertaining—my first was a sexual assault case—but one was. It was a contested speeding ticket, and the defendant was representing himself. Meanwhile, the prosecutor was very young and very serious. Her opening statement: “This is a case about speeding,” said as

I don’t disagree, but sometimes lawyers don’t want critical thinkers either. Last time I was called, it took all of 2 questions for one of the lawyers to kick me off after she found out I was a physician. They were “what kind” and “how many patients do you see each day." Then she said I was too busy to miss work and I

Which it shouldn’t be, and I wish people would stop seeing it as a good thing to get out of jury duty. It’s our civic duty to serve on juries. For some of us, for generations we were denied the right to have a jury of our peers (women, Black folks), so to go out of your way to “get out of” jury duty is literally

I don’t live in SoCal, but I align with the rest and I doubt I could keep a straight face if a lawyer asked me what my views on scientology were.

Could you pick it up a bit? I got shit to do today.

Just know that I’m starting a slow clap right now.

I don’t think that’s ever the right response to a person who was manipulated and used up for money as a child.

Even in 2003, while filming Monster, she recalls pushing back against its financier’s desire to have a “hot lesbian film with Christina Ricci.”

Yes, this is 100% just from me knowing how we talk about it here and is specific to this particular broadcaster. I would say “according to the CBC” but “according to CBC News”. I wonder if, like you suggest, something like NBC or CBS migrates from being an initialism to an acronym (even though technically still an

Interesting point. With acronyms for organizations it seems our trend is to start with “the” then eventually drop its use. Like we don’t say “The CBS” or “The NBC” (don’t know if we ever did). I work for an organization where about half of the people say “the” before the acronym and the other folks don’t.

The only problem with Bryce Dallas Howard’s body is it’s not sitting in a director’s chair. Same stupid execs don’t want to risk getting a big franchise film that’s engaging and coherent.

Vince Gilligan: “Hey, idiot, could you put some numbers besides zeroes on here too?”

She looks gorgeous in the movie, what a bunch of jerkwads.