Abradolph Lincler

One-party consent typically applies to public places only (as someone who learned about this by being on the local news when i didn’t want to be). I’d imagine there may be extra regulation relating to medicine/healthcare providers. I don’t at all disagree with her reasoning et al, but she may not in a favorable

Whatever, incel.

I’m eye-rolling at the fact that you’re so committed to calling me an incel despite the fact that I already explicitly said fuck the incel community. And frankly, no, the reason people hated Daniel Craig is not for the reasons they hate Halle Bailey. The Right can hide behind ridiculous rationales for hating black

Ah Rupert Friend, the mortal enemy of Willem Da Foe

it’s also ok to critique the discourse around why it’s ok for straight passing rich white men to gender play but not for the rest of the Queer community

No, Styles can do as he pleases, but it’s also ok to critique the discourse around why it’s ok for straight passing rich white men to gender play but not for the rest of the Queer community. And really, how little has shifted in that regard if you think of Bowie as the last megastar to play with ideas around gender. It

“My facetime video begging Shia to stay on the film and mocking ‘Miss Flo’ was completely taken out of context and actually I was being sarcastic the entire time, because I believe in restorative justice.

Honestly, the amount they’re fucking paying you to write all this fluff around what you, the AV Club, gave a C- to in the review almost makes me want to turn off my adblocker so you could earn some honest revenue that didn’t affect your output.

“did Judy Greer have some sort of scheduling conflict this season?”

I’d kill for a Paloma film. de Armas is just so fun to watch.

Lynch was also solid, but yes the only show stealer was de Armas.

“Lashana Lynch stole the show in No Time to Die as Nomi,”

I don't get the snarkiness of this article. Those rules sound good to me but it sounds like you don't think there should be a clear delination between content and advertising for children whose brains aren't developed enough to tell the difference, I guess? 

They’re just looking for someone to argue with so they can temporarily feel better about their shitty lives. 

You’re arguing with idiots. They’ll use the same buzzwords over and over until their eyes bleed, because they’re literally incapable of original thought.

Yeah look at me, ‘trolling’ and ‘gaslighting’ by explaining my perspective in detail and taking the time to address everyone’s points. Even when all they want to do is accuse me of racism because I didn’t caveat my opinion with a bunch of movies made before I joined this site and thus didn’t have an opportunity to

Oh, I think a post of any length would’ve been too difficult for you, buddy.

In a world where you can’t exist as your true self, aren’t you forced to scheme to get what you want? I don’t think its any sort of commentary on LGTBQ people as its essentially saying if you exist in the margins of society because of who you are, the only way to live comfortably is to hide who you are.

I like how it’s all recap until a gay person dies, then it becomes critical analysis. 

This article is incredibly even-handed. Seriously, well done. This is good pop culture reporting.