Abradolph Lincler

Has to be cheaper than munitions!

What sort of sad sacks waste a long weekend seeing a movie?  I never understood that.  Christmas makes sense because there’s nowhere else to go, but any other long weekend and I’m taking a short trip.

Might also have to do with the fact that I’m not wasting a long weekend SEEING A MOVIE.

I mean, it was the 80s. Those folks were probably getting tired of cocaine.

Eh I was bullied pretty badly and it basically made afraid of success, gave me crippling self-doubt, and gave me social anxiety that curdled into functional alcoholism.  I feel like there’s a happy medium between that and being billionaire asshole.  I would totally have settled for selling a tech company before it

Okay, you’ve managed something I never thought possible - kindled my interest to go seek out a comic book.  I could never have fathomed such a proposition since President McKinley was heinously gunned down by an anarchist!

Hmm yes he does seem like he might not have been a hit in the Poconos, I suppose, but his work was definitely far above the pablum peddled to Ma and Pa Kettle!

I dunno, I feel like some of those shows could be the fever dream of hallucinating AI trained on nothing but pictures of duck lips and spray tans. The AI would just give them the major plot beats anyway. Or maybe just most of what MTV put on tv the last 20 years.

This schtick never fails to brighten my day.  Kudos, good man!

You don’t think AI could write the dreck that is “reality TV?”

Fair enough.

If the “making of” story is better than the actual story, that indicates an issue with the story.

I’ve never been down with this whole “bad pizza is still good because it’s still pizza” idea. If I have bad lima beans, so what? Lima beans suck. But disappointment scales with expectations, and we have high expectations for pizza! We also HAD high expectations with Star Wars, and this movie was the end of that.

I’d still rather read this than the retweeted garbage this site had been slinging for the last several years!

Besides, Lower Decks is proof that the Star Trek people have a sense of humor; there’s no way in hell George Lucas would allow Star Wars to be lampooned in that manner.  It probably helps that Roddenberry’s been dead for an entire generation at this point.

It even spoiled its own plot - “Somehow, Palpatine returned!” It’s not just a stupid plot point that contradicted the previous movie, it was the first thing we saw!

This makes so much more sense than what we got.

I didn’t miss much then!

This is proof we aren’t in the darkest timeline, because an “HOA for cars” is definitely the darkest timeline.

Hopefully the folks with raging boners for the purity tests will slowly be shuffled off and replaced with some of the new/returning writers.  Let’s start with whoever is in charge of these headlines.