Abradolph Lincler

Agreed - there is a lot more that could be told based on the history of the real people the book was based on.

Another excellent review, thank you Tara!  I was definitely going to see this in IMAX anyway, but I appreciate knowing I’ll enjoy it.

Ah yes, the folks who are really smart and educated in one particular subject, who then think that expertise applies to everything in life.  I’ve met quite a few doctors and professors of that type (not all MAGA, mind you) - the sort that are seldom right but always certain.

That is fucking stupid, for sure. I could see someone holing up with a semiauto shotgun in their business in the area those were going on, but definitely not coming outside.

I remember the $1000 movie joke, but not the actual movie.  That’s amazing!

I am sympathetic to folks who live where police response is not prompt keeping guns in their home or business, but if I had a concealed carry permit, I’d only bring a gun if I was going somewhere I thought was unsafe, and I do my best to avoid needing to go to such places voluntarily.

I can totally get why, now that they’ve got more money than they can possibly spend, that they might not be down for that kind of grind anymore.

Oh I agree, it’s just that major studios have lost their appetite for smaller movies - I have to assume that the marketing costs don’t scale with the budget for the movie, so making $70 million on a $30 million movie doesn’t pencil out, or maybe this is all cyclical.

I know the plot of the *movie* Titanic due to an early episode of Futurama.

I’ve still been getting the last one of these articles popping up below the comments on other articles!  I thought that somehow it got pulled back up into news.

PS - Thanks for the Dances With Wolves comparison - that at least gives me an idea of the framework of the story. :)

Yeah that’s probably me. I traveled for work a lot around this time, and didn’t spend much time in movie theaters.  I’m not a superhero film sort of person.  I think the first time I went to a movie theater for the spectacle since I was in college was Fury Road.

I’ll have to go back and find that Treehouse of Horror episode. Judging by when Avatar came out, it’s almost certainly while I was checked out, though.

Just go see The Amy Winehouse Experience if they ever tour near you.  They’re fantastic.

Yeah, I graduated college in 2004. I mostly stuck to college/indie rock in this period, and while I rarely listened to pop radio, she got some crossover on college stations and some indie rock spaces as something out of the ordinary in the pop world - perhaps part of the indie pop genre that was just starting to be a

Why not both? 

The recut, restored, and updated effects really changed my opinion of ST:TMP.  Compared to the original cut, they added back parts of scenes that added context, and you could actually get a sense of the size of V’ger, and the movie works way better, even though it’s longer.  I think the work done to improve the movie

The way I look at it is this: There are movies/TV/books I have never actually consumed, but that I basically know the plot to, or certain scenes I’m familiar with, due to being referenced or parodied in other media. The Simpsons, Futurama, and Family Guy were responsible for so much of this, for instance, I’ve seen

Yeah, I can deal with the clickbait as long as there’s actual good content, too.

I don’t know if she could do the accent, but Aubrey Plaza as Lara Croft would slay.