Awesome Brain Powers

It's not even like she added sex appeal: she's a pretty girl and everything, but Billy Joel used to put it in. There's just no coming back from that.

And, you know, the thing about Katie Lee…she's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When she comes at you, doesn't seem to be living… until she bites you, and those black eyes roll over white and then… ah then you hear that terrible high-pitched screamin'. The ocean turns red, and despite all the

Final 3: Blais, Angelo, __________ (I'd say Jennifer C, but she might start her tailspin early this season, so who knows.)


Loved it
I loved the hell out of this episode. I don't really have much to add to the conversation, so I'll just leave this here. Dan Harmon linked it on the Twitter:

I liked this episode a lot
Donald Glover killed it in this episode. When they first discover the trampoline…I'm not sure I've ever seen a more perfect look of joy on anyone's face.

Completely agree. It was totally subtle and perfect. I thought this episode made it too much like Autism=Superpowers, but I went with it, because it was funny.

You're not wrong in general, digifreak, but it's odd that you chose to post that comment before any of those things started happening.

No justice. No peace.
Gretchen's collection was like the worst case of bad-Chinese-food diarrhea anyone has ever had—brown on top of brown on top of brown on top of completely out-of-place greenish pleather.

I thought she said she was 18. I love the Irish accents, but I'm having some serious trouble deciphering a lot of the dialogue (especially Ashby's).

That wasn't actually an attempt at a secondsie.

Help me out
I stopped reading the review after the second paragraph to avoid spoilers, but I have a question: Do I need to have seen the previous shitty episodes to appreciate this one? I've seen the pilot but nothing since.

When they launched the Abed meta-gags by having him look directly into the camera and the first "AAABEEEED!" sang in the background, I spit my goddamned breakfast all over my monitor.

It's not like you can hear Colbert's guests over his constant interjections, anyway.

Nat King Cole / RJD2 mashup
"Three great tastes that taste great together", you say?

Here is my problem with Todd's review
I didn't think this was an especially strong episode—the shaky camerawork and the holds for laughter really killed the 30ROCK vibe for me. I agree with a comment above that called this "the best SNL in ages", which is a joke I made myself last night.

@Miller: I copied that exact text with every intention of pasting into a comment. Damn you.

That scene between Katie and Hank at the end
I've missed some episodes, so maybe she got more to do when I wasn't watching, but this is the first time Katie's character really felt…Idunno, let's say "vital"…to me.

Since this movie is set 35 years before Alien and Ripley was neither a colonial marine nor in her 50s, I don't think it's the same character.

Goddammit, Ape, that had me laughing so hard I was choking.