Arturo R. Garcia

I cannot abide by this film’s apparent erasure of Eurovision

He requests to be taken seriously!

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You know, I bet I know who produced that ad for Obsidian North:

Though I’m loathe to paraphrase Frank Miller, I feel this episode absolutely merits it: There’s nothing wrong with Alice that Sophie couldn’t have solved with some buckshot to her shoulder. 


Iris has actually been team lead (or at least, Quarterback In The Chair) so you’d think she’d be the first pick instead of Cisco’s emo ass. 

One hidden upside: if James and the paper really do crack a good story or two on this it’s probably going to get picked up sooner than later by other outlets. Either Lois and the Planet will do their own follow-up reporting, or aggregator outlets will run with it as well (with the ethical ones linking to James’

I’m glad we spent an hour seeing Kate deal with the choices one makes taking on the mantle. That said, the handwaving of Bruce’s fuckboy tendencies makes you wonder.

Yup, file that under “We get it but ...”

Just watched Arrow and I guess that episode lampshades why Barry & Co. haven’t heard about Earth-2 - Ollie’s busy running errands for the Monitor, and he’s so single-minded about it he can’t/won’t drop a dime. 

I guess this episode can also be taken as a lampshade for The Flash; over in that comments section there’s people wondering why Barry and his gang hadn’t heard about Earth-2. Well, Ollie’s busy traipsing around Hong Kong and his “single-minded determination” hasn’t allowed for him to drop a dime. 

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Too bad Romero got nerfed so fast; when we saw him mimic Ramsey’s movements I thought for sure we would’ve gotten a musical number out of it:

I guess you could handwave it like this: Allegra just got out of the clink, and Iris probably realizes that offering up the multiverse knowledge goes hand-in-hand with letting her know about Team Flash. 

Left-field pick:

Palpatine: Did I ever tell you the tragedy of Darth Pla-
Force Ghost Hayden Christensen: Oh boy, THIS again

“OK, JJ, who are we putting in the battle scene?”

This whole episode was worth it for Sean Astin and David Harewood chewing scenery at one another, however briefly.  

* As villains go, I thought Tommy was a decent pull - making him a real-estate douche instead of a Mad Doctor (who is actually a doctor) brings him closer to being a distorted version of Bruce, and sometimes you just need a baddie who can be beaten down without any complications.
* Got to agree with some other

Also a nice change of pace that -- unlike Bruce -- Kate’s public persona thus far didn’t require her to be “making moves” on Regan. That Kate got to be surprised at the end was a nice little payoff all its own. 


But Her Pea Soup!