If you remove California and New York, HRC LOST by over 3MM votes. California and NY are SJW echo chambers for 20 something’s. Glad we have the electoral college to save this country and the world from PC SJW’s run amok.
If you remove California and New York, HRC LOST by over 3MM votes. California and NY are SJW echo chambers for 20 something’s. Glad we have the electoral college to save this country and the world from PC SJW’s run amok.
Stop maligning Trump or you will lose another reader on Gizmodo. You need to come to Jesus about how you’ve been brainwashed by fake news and liberal media for probably your whole life kiddo.
Screaming crying bigoted racist liberals don’t tip toe around anything. Suck it up buttercup and get a job. The bums lost.
Suck it up buttercup. The bums lost. No more mooching off the working. Go get a job.
Well said. That’s exactly what happened last night.
The sooner you can face the truth that liberalism is not what he American people want, the better everyone will be. You can smoke your legalized pot now, but at some point you’ll need to get a job and be responsible for someone other than yourself.