Provide the receipts.
Provide the receipts. don’t face the same racism as Hispanics that are brown. Racists look at you and see that you’re white. You can claim to be Hispanic when you so choose. Brown people do not have that luxury. Do you tell those white people that you are also Hispanic? Bet you don’t.
Oh drop the smug parent attitude. I'm a parent but I loathe people like you just trying to make yourself feel superior bc you have kids and they don't. You're not special or better, okay?
So what are you arguing here?
I don’t really think this alone is what caused her to kill herself. It was the cherry on top of a shit sundae. She sounded like she was having a hard time as it is and her home life should be at the very least a sanctuary from that bullshit. Support from your family is essential and even then, that may not be enough.…
The men who have misread social cues were not the shy/lonely types whatsoever. These guys had active social lives. I don't think it's a shy person issue at all.
MEN are so terrible sometimes. If I didn’t have to fear abuse and even fear for my physical safety if I exercised my right to say “no thank you” to a man asking me out, then I would be direct. However, I have learned that it is easier and safer to just find the path of least resistance. I just want to get the guy away…
You are the worst kind of feminist, for real.
Anyone who lives their life in fear of Rush Limbaugh calling them a “feminazi” is a fucking fool.
I already hate everything you stand for and I’ve seen only a few of your comments.
Yeah you can't smoke all that meth on your own!!
You sound like that friend that everyone likes to have around to party but don’t need around for literally everything else.
It’s because they know what they’re doing is fucked up.
You clearly didn't read one word of the article you're posting on.
No it's definitely the amount they have. They don't raise the younger kiddos. They have their older daughters taking care of them.
Criminal behavior crosses party lines. Him being a liberal has nothing to do with what is wrong with him. Your friends being liberals has nothing to do with what is wrong with them.
They definitely were laughing at you when you walked away bc you came off super defensive.
Parents who try to be the cool parents definitely aren’t the best parents.
I lost it at the Furiosa/princess peach Aieeeeeeee! part
Lol you came off combative right from the jump. Don't project onto them.