
In fairness, what else is she supposed to talk about? Do you expect her to have actual ideas about how to address the real problems her constituents face?

Man you touched a nerve. The WFH mob came after you.

A bigoted uncle is distinctly different from a cult leader.

Hey stars are just like us! If “Us” is every entertainment media outlet. “Yay! Top Gun Maverick is a masterpiece! What? Human trafficking and child abuse?!” “Look at this outrageous stunt Tom Cruise did for Mission Impossible 17! What? He’s best friends with and talks every night with cult leader and is fully aware of

Standing up for pedophiles and rapists to own the libs. Christ, you are an insufferable dipshit. Don’t you think it’s a waste of everyone’s time to troll every Jezebel post with canned right wing talking points without ever backing anything you say up with, you know, evidence?

The French judge dropped the charges for lack of evidence, not because he was proven innocent. The accuser is currently pursuing a complaint against the judge in question.

Is Tucker’s wife Susan in a Melania Trump type of marriage agreement where she cleans up if they split in exchange for giving him an air of legitimacy and preventing people from thinking he’s a creepy weirdo? Or is she choosing to live a Flowers in the Attic type of living situation where she doesn’t read the news or

I guarantee almost none of these people actually understand what libertarianism actually is.

Sorry, but I’m just going to have to re-emphasize what I already said.

If you meet actual Egyptians from Egypt, and not just Americans with lots of opinions about what the rest of the world will like, they are all very clear on this issue and very tired of being drawn into what is, essentially, a political argument made by some African-Americans.

They, and north Africans generally, are an

How about just write stories set in Ancient Egypt featuring Black characters? Aside from the occasional wild Phoenician sailor Egypt was the Mediterranean world’s main connection to sub-Saharan Africa so there were definitely Black people there. It just seems like the massive preponderance of evidence is on Cleopatra

Boo hoo.

This is the most desperate, I am not owned!, comment I’ve read here in a while. Bravo!

Shiv, who’s spent now 3.5 seasons doing her utmost to compete with men in soulless corporate environments by adopting their antics.

I simply hope that this public infighting damages every Republican candidate so badly that Biden coasts to re-election—not because I love him, but because his presidency would mean no national abortion ban.

It was a waste of all three of them!  But I’m glad you enjoyed the episode on the level it was intended.  (that sounds condescending, but is not meant as such!)  To me, I’d be thrilled to see any of those 3 in SW in a story that wasn’t awful.  

Goofy is fine.  But dumbasss goofy is not.  Wow, this episode was dreadful.  

What is truly shocking about this season (among its many other sins) is just how Grogu is barely in it. He’s literally just a piece of luggage Mando is carting around.

Dear god, this was the worst episode in the worst season of what is, on its best day, a middling series.

Also she walks like a drunk ostrich and wears fishnets over her shirt. Even for a punk, it’s a weird look.  The teen Nat looks and acts more like Emma Stone.  The age things bothers me too.  I am Juliette’s age and I graduated HS in 1990.  She looks a very rough 43!  Put her with Kevin, who looks younger than his age